Iraqi Dinar
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*********** Parliamentary Finance: strengthening of the dinar currency to print large

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***********   Parliamentary Finance: strengthening of the dinar currency to print large Empty *********** Parliamentary Finance: strengthening of the dinar currency to print large

Post  Admin Mon May 18, 2015 8:16 am

05/18/2015 13:30

Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: parliamentary Finance Committee announced, Monday, that the central bank in the process of strengthening of the dinar by printing large local financial currencies.

Said committee member Majda al-Tamimi for "tomorrow Press," that "the reasons for the weakness of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar due to the size of the money supply and the difference great price," pointing out that "the past few years there has been a project to strengthen the dinar and repaired by deleting three zeros from the Iraqi currency but has been postponed ".

She explained that "the project could not be applied at the present time because of the economic, political and security situation that the country is living, what gives the possibility of negative things achieved reflected on the financial and economic situation."

Tamimi stressed that "the most appropriate solutions for the time being to strengthen the dinar is printed through a great local currencies Kvita the (50 100 A), under which possible that the closer the money supply and make it relative to the dollar."المالية-النيابية-تقوية-الدينار-بطبع


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***********   Parliamentary Finance: strengthening of the dinar currency to print large Empty Re: *********** Parliamentary Finance: strengthening of the dinar currency to print large

Post  Admin Mon May 18, 2015 9:07 am

Abadi adviser: praises the policy of the Central Bank and supports the deletion of zeros at the country's stability conditions

Monday, 18 May 2015 10:44

BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / ... According to the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, an economic advisor to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Monday, about a quarter of Iraq's budget disbursement to support military operations against the terrorist organization Daash.

Saleh said in an interview with / Baghdadi News / "The government's priority today is to return in safety usurped areas and to maintain the security in the relatively stable and unstable regions".

Saleh added that "cleaning and paving streets and laying all the necessary services and well-being in it, does not interest him if he will occupy the days before Aldoaash yet."

Saleh pointed out that "the Iraqi Central Bank policy characterized by accuracy and objectivity," noting that "the equation in maintaining the value of the Iraqi dinar with the revaluation of monetary reserves in light of these security conditions bad and lower oil prices, a very difficult and summit complex, though the Central managed to decipher decode them to follow the policy to sell hard currency. "

Saleh pointed out that "the central issue at the feet of a large coin natural step will not adversely affect the economic situation in the country."

He stressed Saleh, said that "the project to delete the zeros is very important and has a large on the Iraqi economy and the value of the currency benefits, I have called him since throughout the years, but the current situation, which is going through the country is not suitable for such a move, which need to be economic and security stability, and this is what is Known over the global economic history. "


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