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Decentralization Conference gives boost the transfer of powers

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Decentralization Conference gives boost the transfer of powers Empty Decentralization Conference gives boost the transfer of powers

Post  Admin Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:57 am

1/31/2016 0:00
Substantial amendments dealing with the differences between the ministries and local governments BAGHDAD - morning

Counting experts and analysts national conference on decentralization, which opened yesterday as an important boost for the transfer of the powers of the ministries to the governorates not organized province, while aware that there are ministries come a long way in cooperation in the transfer of powers process and there are other issued a ministerial order to dismantle its departments and attached to local governments.

The director of the Prime Minister's Office, Mahdi Keywords in his speech on behalf of the Prime Minister at the conference titled «create the legal, administrative and financial environment for the successful implementation of decentralization»: The «Conference culmination of significant efforts comes stretched over years to move forward in the implementation of the provincial law non-performing province, »indicating that the Prime Minister stressed« intention through the government program unleashed with the formation of the government or through conferences supreme body, which was held in Baghdad and the provinces of Basra, Karbala and Babylon on the completion of the investigation the transfer of powers from ministries to local governments program ».

He continued relationships during a speech Prime Minister delivering at the conference, which was held in cooperation with the project «progress» the US Agency for International Development, said that «the Secretariat of the Commission Legal Department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers Aohkta to review the third amendment to the law as the supreme coordinating body will hold its regular meeting during half the first of next February, so the trend towards the implementation of all the details of the law List and enthusiasm it clear ».

To that, the head of the Secretariat of the Supreme Commission for coordination between the governorates not organized province Torhan Mufti stumbled in the presence of some of the ministries for the transfer of powers to the provinces, attributing this to reject the transport mechanisms and in some cases refused to accommodate what is happening.

 Mufti said in a statement singled out by the «morning» that there are ministries and very cooperative there ministries issued a ministerial order to dismantle its departments and attached to local governments, hinting that after this book that the law can come into effect.

For their part, expressed a number of conservative participants in the conference, their dissatisfaction with the procrastination of some ministries in the transfer of powers to the provinces prescribed by law process, and decreed that the work is carried out since August of last year.


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Decentralization Conference gives boost the transfer of powers Empty Re: Decentralization Conference gives boost the transfer of powers

Post  Admin Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:19 am

01/30/2016 11:24
The start of the realization of the national conference on decentralization

BAGHDAD / Obelisk: zap, Saturday, work of the National Conference on Decentralisation held by the Supreme Commission for coordination between the governorates not organized in a region and in cooperation with the project progress GSP.

The reporter said, "obelisk", said, the conference was held under the slogan of "decentralized service .. stability .. .. .. towards the development of a unified race" with the participation of a number of members of the House of Representatives and the governors and heads of provincial councils.

He added that a representative of the Prime Minister Mahdi Keywords attended the conference also participated the US ambassador to Iraq at the National Conference.انطلاق-إعمال-المؤتمر-الوطني-حول-الل


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