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Court vs. HoR vs. HoR protestors 6-16-2016

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Court vs. HoR vs. HoR protestors 6-16-2016 Empty Court vs. HoR vs. HoR protestors 6-16-2016

Post  Admin Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:30 am

Front calls for reform of the Federal Court decisively challenged the next meeting and not delay

BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / ... Front demanded parliamentary reform, on Thursday, the Federal Supreme Court resolving the issue of the appeal within the next meeting and not to delay again.

A member of the reform front in Parliament MP Mansorabaaja in a statement received / Baghdadi News / copy of it, that the "Federal Court ordered to be resolved the issue of the appeal submitted by the Front's reform and decided during the next meeting and not to delay another date."

He Baaja that "all political blocs waiting for a decision to decide the case by the Federal Court, because everyone is well aware that it is not possible to hold any meeting of the House of Representatives before it resolved the case by the court, especially that this issue is long overdue despite the presence of all the documents and evidence Court was able to resolve this matter. "

"We are a front fixed with the resolution of the case by the court as soon as possible the fact that the resolution of the case will often return the healing of the House of Representatives and his return to his legislative wish of the Federal Court that the decision shall be judicially purely and not affected by external and internal pressures on it, and made up its mind in the next meeting service for the benefit of General ".ة-AkPZHkAG-bZAkB-AkLGKLة-AkAbGADnة-BGYOL-AkZIl-AkvkYOة-AkLjBkة-NIDL-bavnkmA.html


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