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KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 8-8-16 Part 1

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 KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 8-8-16  Part 1 Empty KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 8-8-16 Part 1

Post  Admin Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:03 am



Aggiedad77: Well it took quite a while but here are the notes from Monday night's CC....enjoy Aloha Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes for Monday 08-08-2016

Frank26: Let us now start our study of the Iraqi dinar. Family let me ask you something…..when you find yourself needing a doctor…..because it is an urgency… is very important….what do you do…..let’s say you are running a fever and have a pain in your belly….don’t know what to do….let’s say you are dizzy and have a little vertigo….don’t know what is going on…..let’s say you have tachycardia or your heart is out of rhythm….what do you do….

I would like for you to post your answers to me….this is going to be an entirely different conference call…..normally I give you information based on our study…..and I’m going to do that….but I’m not going to that like I did last Wednesday….oh my goodness….do you know we were together for about five hours…..that is ridiculous….

Tonight I am actually going to try and finish by 9:00 pm… if you have any questions along the way….and my wife is watching and monitoring and if you have questions she will write them down….then at the end I’ll do my best to answer those questions…..

If I feel I don’t want to answer your question I’ll be very polite and tell you I don’t feel comfortable answering your question…..if I don’t know the answer to your question I’ll tell you I don’t and let me work on it and I’ll get back with you.

Speaking of mistakes and not knowing something, I made a big one last week and I need to correct it before we move forward. Once again I asked you and I don’t see anyone posting….but if you are not going to respond that is fine and I will make this super short… I’ll ask you once again….

If you had pain….if you had a fever…..a medical problem….and it is acute….right now….what do you do…..oh here is one….Donna says go to the ER….here’s another one NanaCarol….she says I go to the Emergency Room….Christine says call a doctor…..research the doctor if I can….but notice something I said the condition was acute….know what I’m saying….

What if it is an appendix that is ready to burst….acute….and acute medical condition….I wouldn’t call a doctor…..Donna and a few others said you would go to the ER…..I agree with you….and you know something Family…..I believe that Iraq is in that same acute condition….now hold these thoughts for a couple of minutes and let me take you back in a review like we usually do.

If we go back to the summer months of June and July….what did we start studying…..or better yet what did we opinionate from our studies….well it was that we said this country is about to be introduced into the international world….and in the process by the end of July they will be right in the middle of the international world….but in that same process they are dealing with ISIS….or DAASH….or terrorism….and I said to you what…..that there are two cities….that are pivotal points….there are cities that are pivotal points in the direction that Iraq is going to go to after the first half of 2016 when the IMF brought them into the international world….now what are those two directions…..

Well one is the stage of the program rate….and the other is the removal of the program rate… how would you do that Iraq…..well according to the IMF the only way would be to lift Article 8… do you lift Article 8….by lifting the 000’s of the exchange rate of their currency to add value….because the international world looks at a program rate and says….what am I going to do with it…..

But when we stop and look at the whole picture of all these months that have gone by….what has happened around the last two weeks of July…..well we called it 2 by 2 by 2….the first 2 I said were over with….and what was that…the last two weeks of July…..what happened in those last two weeks of July….well we told you we were looking for two cities….Fallujah….and Mosul…..

I told you that as soon as they give you Fallujah which will probably take two weeks….the first of the 2 by will be over with….as soon as they give you Fallujah they will give you the Economic Reforms….you know Family…..they did didn’t they….all of a sudden you look to the left…to the left….all of these countries….we will start with the countries first….all of these countries….hey Iraq….do you need any money….well of course we do…’s some money…..

Iraq can we come into your country and start rebuilding your Economic Reform….yeah….please….I mean Iran brought in electricity….China brought… get my point….many….many economic reforms started to occur….from beautiful five-star hotels….about ten of them all at once….to British Airways and other airlines starting to come in and we see the building of terminals and landing strips and airports along with other that are already there…..what an explosion of an economic reform….and you know why….because Iraq was SICK and they needed to be taken to the ER…..and they were taken to the ER in the last two weeks….

The first 2 by….and you witnessed it exactly as we told you….the moment they give you Fallujah you will see the economic reforms….how….at the speed of light….in fact you started them before that last two weeks didn’t you…..yeah…and without any explanation how was this going on….how were they doing this….because everybody that knew what was going on poured their money, their products, their soul, their companies into Iraq….it is called a stronghold…..

When you are climbing a mountain and you need to put the piton into the right groove so you can hold on and get your breath as you continue climbing that mountain….Iraq was so sick….they ran out of liquidity….Iraq was so sick…acutely….their inflation started to go up and they lied about it….Iraq was so sick that they are willing to receive money from other countries as quickly as possible for their economic reforms…..Iraq was so sick that they had to be taken to the ER…..and it was amazing….that explosion of the economic reform it cured a lot of things.

We are now in the second of the 2 by 2 by 2 that we presented to you…and those 2 by’s very simply represent two weeks…..hold on….John I just saw your post…thank you….John just told us that on tonight’s ABC Evening News they said they are going into Mosul….ok…..ok….I’ll talk about that and I appreciate that John….because that is very tainted…..very related to what we will talk about tonight.

So with the next step of the 2 by 2 by 2….we are in the second week….the month of August has started… the first week going into the second week which we are into now it is my opinion that they are going to give you Mosul….what did I give you last Wednesday when we were together….Family…they are very close to telling you about Mosul… big deal…..well it is a big deal…reason why….look at your notes….we told you the moment they give you Mosul…what is going to travel at the speed of light IMO….the Monetary Reform of the Iraqi dinar of the country of Iraq.

Is Mosul that important….no….it is to a degree when you bring up the relationship of the Kurds with Baghdad and the Kurdistan….sure…and it will also be important to you tonight when I talk to you tonight about the HCL….but in all honesty….Mosul IMO….should have been given to us a long time ago.

Now I will admit for those of you who are in Iraq right now and listening…what….he’s crazy….I know you don’t have it all….but you have the heart don’t you… have the center don’t you….you have the banks don’t you….and you have the citizens helping out in a big way creating a brand new GI Joe with the army aren’t they….you needed to buy time and that is what Mosul was….and that is what Fallujah was…and that is what ISIS was for that matter… bought time….for what….

It bought time for the IMF to take Iraq into the international world and now that they are there these cities are buying time for them to tell you about their Monetary Reform IMO…..exactly how we told you it would turn out in Fallujah….is exactly how it is.

This place is swelling up….there is so much international investment….wow and you would to….in fact you are because you are invested in the Iraqi dinar….but people are going into Iraq and they are not gambling….and these companies….they are not stupid….they are students and they are aware of the fact that something is going on.

I want to tell you something….it was very critical to take Iraq into the economic reforms….but now in the same manner they are about to take their currency into the final stages of their Monetary Reform…..once they give you Mosul….and the 2 by 2 by 2….we are in the second of the 2 by’s and I believe you are going to see Mosul sometime around the middle of this month….

If they go a week past that….sorry….big deal….you understand….it’s kind of like throwing horseshoes or grenades….it’s close enough….and when it happens you can’t help but to say….hmmmm not bad….or you can’t help but to say….Praise God….all honor and glory to our Heavenly Father for the study that we are all together in….and I am not a champion of intel and I do not wear that big “C” on my chest.

In fact today I made a post today about another guru….the only guru that actually followed up by what we said last Wednesday….yeah I pay attention to other gurus and it is important because I want everyone to be able to have our studies too….

Family in the week that has passed, I believe that a very major step has occurred….and that major step is what we call Whiskey Tango Oscar….it stands for WTO….the WTO was in Iraq earlier this year….well they attempted to go about two years ago and bring them into the WTO…and we were all surprised when we saw that two years ago…and then to do it again in the early parts of this year….well once again it was impressive…..but they left….

It was around February or March…the WTO came looking for that report….and what they found was that the IMF was still working with Iraq on this plan they had established in December of the year before… the WTO says we are going….we will come back….and they don’t have that much time to waste in the amount of time they have to spend….and they are kind of limited with the amount of people they have….so when they have a meeting it better be for a good reason….

The WTO did not see that Iraq was ready because they were being brought into the economic reforms….the financial reform will be extremely important and crucial to keep the economic reforms going….the financial reform….the Monetary Reform to me is like water and sunshine….whereas the economic reform is the seed planted in the ground…..and if you don’t have water and sunshine after you planted that seed….you aren’t going to have any product….you aren’t going to have anything produced.

So the WTO all of a sudden shows up in Iraq last week….hey what’s up….hey you guys are back….yeah are you guys ready….and when you stop and think about it….the WTO is still there…..between me and you….they actually showed up about a month ago but it was only a few…but this week many from the WTO showed up…..and they are having meetings, sessions, and conversations with the GOI and the CBI….about what….about their Monetary Reform….really…..not in the sense that the WTO can do anything about it….because they can’t….but they want to be updated….

You see Iraq can join the WTO with a program rate…..but all of these countries that have proven in the last two to three weeks that they are willing to come into Iraq also know there is something going on with the Monetary Reform….I bet they also know that the moment that Mosul is given to the world….you know….liberated….oh my goodness….all heck is going to break loose with their Monetary Reform….so yeah….let’s get that jump started….let’s wait in that long line…..let’s be patient.

The thing is that Iraq is… I don’t have the proof of it now….but IMO….Iraq is international….mainly because they are dealing with international issues, systems, the companies, banks, currencies, their stock exchange, I’ll talk about that tonight….come on….it is almost international, its expanded, in its equipment, in its trained employees…what for….why for 1166 know what I mean….this is in preparation of some type.

They were sick….their economic reforms is about to bring forth their Monetary Reforms now….to keep them going.

Now to see the WTO….it is not because they can do anything about their Monetary Reform….they are getting a report….but to see them back again and willing to stay and talk…this is a step in the right direction….and what did we say last Wednesday….Iraq is going IMO in a chronological order of exactly the right steps that they are supposed to take.

Why are all of these countries….and all of these companies…..and all of this money pouring into Iraq at a program rate….in fact let me ask you this countries….companies….money….why didn’t you do this three years ago….two years ago….last year….why not….well some of you did start to do it right….those were big conglomerates that could afford a little bit of a loss while they waited…..fascinating the timing….but it is just not really explained to anybody….because they don’t have to….this is their personal business…..this is their personal economic and Monetary Reform….it is up to you to study it and understand that they are going in the right direction IMO.

Our brother DELTA wants you to know that the WTO is asking them questions about the taxes and tariffs….I wonder what kinds of answers they are giving….because we still don’t know too much about it do we. There was supposed to be a list of products….but once again there were only certain things….only certain things appeared on that list….they are still waiting on the taxes and tariffs….why….because they haven’t lifted the value of their currency to apply it to the taxes and tariffs……they got the codes that are international….well that is stupid….why would you wear a tuxedo to go to a mud wrestling tournament.

DELTA also wants you to know that in addition to asking about the taxes and tariffs and how far they have gotten along with their reforms….they are also asking what about the true value of your currency… to be a fire fly in those places.

We are waiting for the CBI governor….you better believe it….why….because he is waiting for them to lift the 000’s….but isn’t that the decision of the governor…’s in cahoots with the GOI and the CBI… see there were certain laws that needed to be accomplished… we go with the laws again….ok roll your eyes….mock me….whatever you want to say….but here is what I want to tell you….ready….you don’t need no stinking laws….oh Frank….now you tell us the opposite….no we don’t need no stinking laws…..because they passed them all… know me….hang in there with me….they don’t need any laws for the Monetary Reform….every law is in place for it…..we need Mosul….the laws are waiting for Mosul….the exchange rate to lift the 000’s is waiting for Mosul.

Mosul is trying to liberate itself from those who do not want to let it go….and there is a preparation for lifting the 000’s…..once they tell you about Mosul IMO…..there is a true value to make what you are seeing with the economic reform be true….because it makes no sense….all of that with a program rate.

The banking system of Iraq are so up to date….it is frightening when you look at them….what do you mean Frank….it is frightening that they are so advanced and modern and filled with all the technology that they need….especially if they join the digital system….because it doesn’t do them any good at a program rate…..they will have wasted all this time….all these efforts…..all these people who have come in to help them….all the teaching….all the programs that have been set up….

The Iraqi Stock Exchange is sitting there smiling….look at me…..I’m working on unemployment, I’m working security….I’m working all sorts of things….look at me…and the rest of the international world says….yeah…we will look when you raise the value of your currency….it is that simple….you can’t trade at 1166….it would take billions upon billions upon billions….it would take platforms to make a profit at your program rate….banks don’t have the desire to do that.

But companies and nations have a desire to put their hook into Iraq….by committing to their economic reforms…..yeah….there is a chronological order and it is being followed since the beginning of this year. I applaud Iraq…..I applaud Abadi….I applaud Dr. Shabibi….I applaud Allak….I applaud their army…..I applaud our army…..I want to applaud our President….but I just can’t….the efforts of our President to get the credit for what is going on in Iraq is exemplified when he says….I’m going to send more troops into Mosul….shut up.

So the pivotal point I am trying to make is that we are looking for Mosul…and so is everything else….there is an urgency to lift the 000’s…to increase the exchange rate and to stop the auctions….I told you to watch the auctions didn’t it….you’ve been watching….you’ve noticed the pattern haven’t you….it fluctuates…and then down and down.

Many laws have been passed and I don’t know of any more that need to be passed…..oh no Frank there is the Amnesty Law…there is this….there is the Election Law…..look if you want to believe that…it is your business….I have already told you….IMO….according to me and my FRIENDS….there are no more laws to be passed…..and if they want to tell you there are more laws….consider to be like Mosul…..a form of putting their hands in front of your faces.

You see the HCL is extremely important to the Iraqi citizens….but we told you there is a rider in it…correct….look at your notes….they activated it IMO in the early part of this year….and that is why you see many of the oil….that is why you see many businesses associated with oil around the world coming in and out of Iraq right now….that is because it is there now….it is fair now….we know how much to give the citizens….

Really….yes that is why we prepare them with certain cards now….we know how much to give say the Kurdistan Region….really…..yeah….we activated the rider and after that Kurdistan said…ok….17% right…..yeah that is pretty high isn’t it…’s not bad….we could take more….but 17% right….yeah…that 17% is going back to Kurdistan….and you may say yeah to the government…and the government will divvy it out to the citizens as the fourth part of the HCL….yeah….so 17% is going back to the Kurds regardless.

So that is the HCL and they have been doing it for quite a long time haven’t they Family….but that last part….the fourth part has just recently been activated IMO….fascinating isn’t it.

One more thing….I know what guru’s say….in fact I know what they say about the HCL….but I want you to know one thing….the HCL has absolutely nothing to do with the Monetary Reform of the Iraqi dinar….nothing….no….it was waiting for the release of it’s power…the fourth part with the rider.

I want to share with you a TEAM Chat…and I know not everyone can come to our TEAM Chat….and I appreciate those that do….it is helpful to us….it helps us… supports us….the intel is free….but if you were on one of our TEAM Chats with our fire flies and the remaining three TEAMS that we have….because we disbanded four of them about a year and half ago….then here is what you would hear.

What do we have today…..we are here….we are there….can I have the coordinates….yeah….we will update you….thank you….how is it going with the economic and Monetary Reforms…..don’t know sir…..are we able to talk with anybody this week….no sir we don’t want to talk with anybody….no we don’t need to do it….no we are just sitting here waiting….and that would be the gist of our conversations….all of my TEAMS are just waiting…..we are like catchers in a baseball game….you know what a catcher does…..STRIKE…’re out….

We are catching information that is being released….what they are telling you about Mosul we don’t pay attention to….because we don’t believe any of it…..IOO Mosul has been well acquired….well stabilized to the point where citizens are involved….but it is not time to liberate Mosul yet…..why…..because once they liberate it they are going to travel on the Monetary Reform at the speed of light……

You feel they are going to do it this month…..yeah I do….I told you that I believe in the first two weeks of this month they are going to give you Mosul….this first week the WTO came in and wants to know the same thing….tell us about the security of your country….and IMO as soon as they gave them the report whenever it was given to them….you know what happened….all of those WTO people in the meeting they put Iraq on a fast track for membership with the WTO….in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if they tell you next week…..they are members….how can they be members at 1166 Frank….well they can….they certainly can at a program rate….but who would trade with them.

So why did the WTO do this…..because the WTO knows some things that you don’t know….and when you see a Twilight Zone environment that confuses you….you are thinking….this doesn’t make sense…this doesn’t make sense….well of course not to you…..but eventually it does doesn’t it….especially when they give you Mosul.

Our TEAMS….my FRIENDS are not collecting information…..we don’t need to….IOO we are sitting like baseball catchers waiting for that fastball to come in…..we are not going to strike out anybody…’s going to ignite the Monetary Reform the moment that fastball, Mosul, lands in our catcher’s mitt.

In the meantime, there is no sense wasting manpower, time, energy, fuel, anything, money….nothing….my TEAMS and I are sitting back….especially in our opinions we saw what we saw that the WTO put Iraq on the fast track….WTO….I’m not saying it is the last step….but I am saying it is a step in the right direction……to be the last.

Mosul is coming by…..Arab Islamic Banks….check this out….”Arabic Islamic Banks Standby Ready to Finance the Reconstruction of Liberated Areas in Iraq”… that statement which came out today…actually it came out yesterday….is the summary of our conference call…..let’s break this down…..Arab Islamic Banks….first of all that is the Middle East….good gosh to see them say they want to do business with Iraq….a place they were so jealous of….you deal with the infidels….all of a sudden has a new attitude…..

Arab Islamic Bank Standby Ready….why do you standby….well because we are waiting for them to do something….oh… lift the 000’s….no…no…no….come on what….to liberate Mosul….cough…cough….ok….let’s look at this again….Arab Islamic Banks Standby Ready to Finance the Reconstruction….that is going on right now….oh sure you want to jump on that bandwagon don’t you… finance what…..reconstruction of liberated areas in Iraq… mean Mosul…..we didn’t say that…..ok Mosul….

Look we are standing by….but as soon as you liberate Mosul… know certain cities in your area….we stand by ready to pull in finances to help reconstruction your area….but we don’t have liquidity….you will…..because the moment you give us Mosul…..the whole Middle East knows this…..the same way the WTO has you fast tracked for your membership… will go on a fast track for your reform.


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 KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 8-8-16  Part 1 Empty Re: KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 8-8-16 Part 1

Post  Admin Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:06 am

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes 8-8-16 Part 2


Part 2:

Frank26: “The CBI Adopted a New Policy to Communicate with Banks and Financial Companies”….what the heck for….no banks are call you guys….but let’s break this one down too….this also came out yesterday….

The CBI adopted…..adopted… are not going to huh….you got all the laws don’t you….ok….the CBI adopted a new policy… know something CBI you have a heck of a lot of new policies don’t you……yeah….they taught us a lot of things to do….especially from the IMF…..continuing….the CBI adopted a new policy to communicate….

Wait…wait….who cares to communicate or do business with you….I don’t see anybody….they are doing business with your country….but I see nothing with the Stock Exchange or you…..why do you want to communicate with the rest of the world…..why does the rest of the world want to communicate with a program rate…..

They never have….they never have shown it in the last 12 years that I have been invested in this currency….so why all of a sudden…what is the new reason….continuing….the CBI adopted a new policy to communicate with banks and financial companies…..hold the phone…..shut the front door…..hold on….you are going to communicate with many banks around the world and financial companies…

Once again what the dickens for Charles…..nobody does business with you….wait a minute when you guys closed those four days….when you guys closed those other two days it was hot….you guys did something didn’t you….come on tell Uncle Frank…what did you do….come on whisper in my ear… did….so that is why my TEAMS and I simply wait for Mosul…..there is no need for you to tell us anything more… fact these two headlines….these two articles are powerful…..I mean they alone are telling us what we are telling our Family.

Here is another one….WalkingStick…thank you sir….”The CBI Adopted a New Open Door Policy to Communicate with Banks and Money Transfers”….oh buddy…..oh buddy….beautiful….you know while these three headlines come out I would like to say….as the world turns in Iraq….the CBI controls many of the brokerages in Iraq and many of the money exchangers….well whhoooraaahhh…that was exactly what the plan was with the IMF back in December wasn’t it…..chronological steps….in the right sequential order…..they are bringing forth exactly what we have been studying in our notes.

“Iraqi Stock Exchange is Preparing to Launch Investment Funds and Experts Prepare a Solution to Funding Unemployment”……get out of here…it is getting ridiculous now…..Family the Iraqi Stock Exchange is basically telling the world they have launched investment funds for many financial entities and for trading and dealing with many banks and the CBI.

Once again these bridges….someone should burn them….because they make no sense…..or do they….especially after they give you Mosul.

These dumb companies also know that Iraq’s banks are now much safer to deal with…..hey any country or company wanting to come into Iraq… feel better about coming into Iraq now…..yeah….in fact the governor of the CBI….that guy….Dr. Shabibi….I mean he split back in 2012….and the reason why he said then was this place is crazy…..they are off the hook, they want to kill me….who….our own government, PM Maliki….it’s not stable, it’s not safe…..I’m out of here….bye bye….but wait a minute you were just saying days ago that you were going to lift the value of the currency….I know I was and because I said that somebody told me….shut up…..and they took me away from here…..but Dr. Shabibi….IMO has been working very well with those who rescued him and protected him while he went to Geneva, Switzerland and London, Germany, US, Iraq….he’s not in Iraq by the way…..why….he doesn’t need to be….why….he has a catcher’s mitt….he is ready for Mosul to be liberated IMO.

So all you countries or private companies that want to come in take your pick of private banks or state banks….they are all pretty safe now aren’t they….and take your pick of any city because once we give you Mosul and tell you it is liberated…..look out….in fact Trade Bank is looking for you international world.

You know Family there are a lot of socks on people’s feet in Iraq….but there are just no shoes on yet….the preparation IMO has been chronologically beautiful….masterful….and that is because we took the wheel…..we became the captain of their ship….it is their prerogative to lift the value when they see fit…and when they see fit will be when they give you Mosul…IMO….and we are into the second of the 2 by 2 by 2 aren’t we where I believe they will give you Mosul.

I feel safer would be the words of Dr. Shabibi tattooed on his arm….international world what do you have on your arm….I feel safer too.

So they dangle the carrot week after week after week….”Mosul Offensive to Start Soon Says the Defense Minister”….you know something ok….I’m not going to argue with that…fine….you want to get 100% of Mosul fine….but dudes you are at 70-80%.....and you can admit that because you have already said you have the central part….plus you have said you have many of the perimeter areas….there are just a few hot spots that remain isn’t it…..yeah… you could technically say you have it liberated… just haven’t got it given to the world…..

IMO the notice of the offensive part….not the liberation….is what is going to start soon….and be given to you….and that is why they are now….slowly….slowly….carrot by carrot….dangling….and letting you know….for example….”Iraq’s Mosul Residents Feel Relief and Anxiety as Liberation Nears”…..I’m sorry but they are trying to tell you….we are going to tell you about Mosul pretty soon….and that is what these innuendos are…that is what these steps are…that is what these little insults are….it’s the process of breaking the wall that stops them from telling you about the Monetary Reform that is at a Mount Everest form IMO…..

You can’t blame them….we are the infidels….they hate us…and if this is their own sweet revenge and they are only playing with us and they are not going to tell us about Mosul…..that they would only tell us when it is 100%.....I mean come on….with things at 70-80% you can tell us now….especially with how things are with the banks in Mosul….like you are telling us about the banks in Fallujah now….you could have told us about Fallujah and Mosul a long time ago but you save valuable shields… don’t lay them down.

All in a chronological order….the ascension with the WTO of Iraq into the WTO may not be the last step but it is impressive. I want you to watch as they may start telling you about the credit rating.

Now Ernst and Young about two months ago was meeting with the IMF, thw World Bank, and the BIS on the feasibility of Iraq’s currency to move forward into the future… I think it is possible you will see a “B” or even possibly a “B+” given to Iraq. Ernst and Young talked a lot of world agencies due to running the numbers that were a part of the plan that was established back in December of last year…..and I believe that would be enough improvement to now increase their credit rating….because they are stable and once they got Mosul and they give it to you…..oh my gosh that would be wonderful…..because to me Mosul would be equal to an “A” or a “B+”… least.

Article 8 is their goal isn’t it by lifting the 000’s….by the way…..Article 8 is going to be a very quiet event…..just like when they raise the value of their currency it is going to be a very quiet event…..both of these will occur in the still of the night……Article 8 is in fact the only exception to their bankruptcy.

I am sharing a little bit now….the condition of Parliament is close to being stable….but you know what….Parliament is sitting there waiting for Mosul to be liberated….IMO….isn’t that crazy…they don’t have to pass any laws…they have nothing to do except twiddle their thumbs and accuse each other….like Jubouri….hey Jubouri you’ve taken some bribes….no I haven’t….

Defense Minister did you take bribes….no I didn’t….the poor Defense Minister today there was an urgent report that says he got blown up….he’s ok…but his motorcade got blown up… I didn’t take any bribes….but Parliament has nothing to do with the Monetary Reform right now….they did their part….a little part….much earlier…..there is nothing for them to do….they are waiting for the value of their currency to be lifted so they can apply the value of their currency to the economic reforms of their country….their budget for 2017 is in the trillions….and that just does not make mathematical sense does it Family…..

At 1166 you would need quad-trillions of dinars to reach that….nonsense….might as well give you the Zimbabwe….Parliament has nothing to do but wait….so they start to cause grief for each other….they point fingers at each other….they are restless because they have nothing to do….IMO…and I’m not kidding about it.

And the Kurds you don’t hear jack from them do you…..nadda…nothing…the Kurds are very happy they got their language.

There really is no reason for the Monetary Reform to wait….and you know something….IMO it is marching forward….and right now it is saying hello to the WTO…and the WTO is busy right now with Iraq and that is good that they decided to stay and hang around with them….after the last time they were there….they were a bunch of jerks then to be honest with you….Iraq was because they weren’t really answering their questions properly….and this is a powerful thought about the WTO….because you see Iraq is in need of liquidity…..Iraq is in need of velocity….velocity is the money supply for the Monetary Reform…and we don’t have that velocity yet.

Dr. Shabibi like I told you, is not in Iraq….he has been busy with certain agencies….IMO….on the replacement of the governor of Iraq which is Allak right now….again nothing against Allak I think he is going to have some kind of position….but Allak is unskilled to be a governor of a Central Bank….and I’ve already told you that the new governor is going to be younger, he’s going to be stronger, he’s going to a smarter technocrat, he’s going to be hand-picked by Dr. Shabibi and he’s going to have a dual citizenship…..

He will be Iraqi but he will have an American citizenship….don’t be so surprised by this because what I just said to you is a definition of Dr. Shabibi….he has a dual citizenship….Iraq and Switzerland….he is very well educated…..and he was hand-picked….

Dr. Shabibi like I said…once we have Mosul I believe he will then make a speech…..I think he will tell you about the stability first….I think he will tell you how the CBI is trustworthy now…..I think he will hit many of the main concerns that he had before….and then he will talk to you about the Monetary Reform…..I know it is important to you….but things have to be done in a chronological order….it’s a march you know…..left…left…left…right left….it is a march….a cadence…it is a march of a Monetary Reform as it should be….not the way you or I or other gurus demand it to be.

So maybe Mosul is the holdup….but at least they have shown you there is progress in Mosul….at least they have given you that much….which makes you feel positive about the conditions of Mosul….and our President Obama in desperation at the last moment says I’m going to send in some more troops to that area…..why….because they need the help….sir…alright….you are just trying to make yourself look good….because as soon as they announce the liberation…didn’t Obama just send troops….yea we did it…..I hate hypocrisy….I really hate lies….but I really love the chronological steps of what I am seeing.

I have already told you about Biden didn’t I….I told you that Obama placed him in charge of the Monetary Reform and that is why he was there last week knocking on Abadi’s door and telling him….please hurry up and liberate Mosul….here’s your new plan…your new strategy….oh shut up….I hate hypocrisy….I hate lies.

Let me try to summarize and say this…you should watch the auctions and notice they will start to melt away….you should also know that the multi-currency policy will start to melt away….or is melting away in reality….and you should know that many agencies signed off on Iraq….a long time ago…the IMF, the WB, the BIS….and now the WTO is going to do this.

When I saw that the CBI last week ask the IMF….we are asking for registration of our Iraqi dinar into the currency market…..what for….why insult them….because the IMF knows what we are about to do….IMF can we register our currency to enter into currency markets around the world… Family that is an international status with the IMF…..which can only be defined as they are lifting the 000’s of their currency…and the fact that I believe you are going to be hearing of a new governor soon from Dr. Shabibi….is probably the reason why you see the WTO is back.

I know the internet….it’s been dead….all the other gurus…it is quiet…it is dead…..even the ones who say it is coming…it is coming….I’m not trying to be disrespectful…..there are some that have good studies….in fact today I made a post and mentioned somebody for the first time ever….you see this individual came out and said….they are moving toward the reported goal to this so as to gain active status in the WTO….yeah….in fact you are acute enough to focus on the fact that hey they WTO is there for a reason…the individual says…..things are going all over the federal government….HCL, contracts, internationally, and guidelines to all private exchange companies and banks….yes I agree….I don’t know what the other gurus say because I don’t find any value in what they are saying….not again being derogative against them….it is just that I don’t find any interest in their studies.

The WTO is our interest right now….mainly to look at it…..because they have already met….and they are…..they are going to put Iraq in the WTO Family….and they are on a fast track to do it… that is old history…that is ancient history….that is like Greek mythology…ancient history to us….Mosul Greek mythology….very ancient….so we sit as a TEAM, not collecting intel….we sit as a TEAM but not wondering when is it going to happen….it is going to happen….I don’t know when….I don’t know how much….but…darn….if it isn’t going to happen….it is….I’m sorry….if it bothers anyone that they are about to go into their Monetary Reforms well you should get out of this…..but if it encourages any of you….just hold your post…..don’t get too excited….don’t get too depressed….study….be very focused in what you are doing.

I have one FRIEND who is talking to me about Mosul and when they think it is going to be given….it is in the second 2 by 2’s right…..and if we have to extend it and say that Mosul will be given to you in the month of August that is fine….because when we walk into September if I see they are really starting to lay everything out about Mosul and how they are liberated and how safe this area is and how liberated their country is now and how happy their citizens are now….

If I see this in September after they give us Mosul this month….oh my gosh….then maybe….maybe on September 31st….they may blink their eyes and say guess what….we are going to enter the fiscal year like everyone else….the international world….on October 1st…..

They have never done this….they are January 1st to December 31st….now if they really truly want to join the big boys….if they really want to put on those big boy pants…..and take off those diapers…then why don’t you go… are modern with your banks, with your Stock Exchange…with everything you are modern as can be…your systems are ready to go….I mean the CBI says go….the ISX says go.

“Iraqi Stock Exchange is Preparing to Launch Investment Funds and Experts Prepare Solutions to Funding Unemployment”….sorry that is “go” for our economy….for our economic reforms…and basically for the Monetary Reform that will help with the unemployment….and by the way we have a solution….we have a plan….what is it….raise the value of our currency….what…louder….RAISE THE VALUE OF OUR CURRENCY….

Ok….I’m sorry you guys are the ones who keep it under cover….you are the ones like a pressure cooker wanting to explode to say it…..let’s hope that you do…that the conditions are right for the government and the Central Bank….for Abadi and Dr. Shabibi are ready to tell us they have liberated Mosul….because then….you see that would be Abadi’s part….and then it would be Dr. Shabibi’s part to then tell you that we are also ready now for the Monetary Reform….

How are you doing to do it….well you see we have been passing out cards…we have been doing this….we have been doing that…and these are the steps….you know the things that were driving you crazy that you couldn’t figure out….yeah that is what we have been doing….and now that I am here and I feel safer….of course I had to split…Maliki is a bozo and I wasn’t going to be his clown.


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