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Source reveals new names nominated for prime minister and confirms: resolved difficult

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Source reveals new names nominated for prime minister and confirms: resolved difficult Empty Source reveals new names nominated for prime minister and confirms: resolved difficult

Post  Admin Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:27 am

Thursday 13 September

Alsumaria News / Baghdad
A source familiar with the matter, Thursday, the new names nominated for the post of prime minister, while noting that the resolution of these names difficult.

The source said in an interview for Alsumaria News that "there are ongoing dialogues to resolve the names of candidates to fill the three presidential positions," noting that "there are several new names put forward for the post of Prime Minister, including Adel Abdul Mahdi, Mohammed Salem Al-Ghuban, Raed Fahmi and Abdul Hussein Abtan, Other candidates who were not named out of the political process. "

The source, who declined to be named, said that "the resolution of the names of candidates will be difficult for the existence of observations on each of them with other political parties with the presence of other candidates behind the scenes may be named as candidates settlement, they are all from the bloc of reform and reconstruction.

The source added that "the resolution of the post needs to resolve the rest of the posts that concern the components, including the Shiite component of the post of First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, which may be given to the Sadrist movement as there are two candidates for him and pending the resolution of the Kurds for their candidate for the second deputy speaker of the Council, "Adding that" the movement of change is the closest to the position. "

The source pointed out that "failure to resolve the Sunni House, whether within the axis of construction or reform and reconstruction of their candidate for the post of Speaker of the Parliament will make the head of the age goes to put all names within one basket and is voted on all, and the two who get the highest votes enter a second stage to vote between them, Adding that "this option does not want the Sunni forces to go to him, where each party within the Sunni house tries to reduce the number of candidates to ensure that the position does not go to the other party's rival."

The political scene is witnessing a wide movement among the winning forces in the elections that took place on the 12th of last May, to form the largest bloc of deputies in preparation for the task of forming the next government.ط£ط±ط¨ط¹ط©️-ظ‚طھظ„ظ‰-ظˆ12-ط¬ط±ظٹط­ط§-ظپظٹ-ط­ط


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