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Parliament calls on the Ministry of Finance to submit final accounts for previous years since 2011

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Parliament calls on the Ministry of Finance to submit final accounts for previous years since 2011 Empty Parliament calls on the Ministry of Finance to submit final accounts for previous years since 2011

Post  Admin Tue Jun 18, 2019 10:36 am


The Finance Committee called on the Ministry of Finance to submit the final accounts for previous years, indicating that the ratification of those accounts previous database enables parliament to reduce the deficit for subsequent years.

A member of the Committee Siham al-Aqili for / information /, "The Parliament obliged the Ministry of Finance text of the budget of 2019 submission of final accounts for the years since 2011."

"The submission of the final accounts creates a database of the sections of allocations and the rate of deficit and surplus in each door and circle."

She explained that "the submission of final accounts will enable Parliament to reduce the deficit for the coming years through transfers and change of disbursements," noting that "the Committee will continue with the Ministry of Finance for the arrival and approval of final accounts."

The Finance Committee of the parliamentary announced (Saturday, 20 April 2019), the end of the recent amendments to the Financial Management Law and vote on it early next May, indicating that the law obliges the government to submit final accounts for previous years.


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