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After the report "ICLD" .. Other corruption suspicions hover around the central bank

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After the report "ICLD" .. Other corruption suspicions hover around the central bank Empty After the report "ICLD" .. Other corruption suspicions hover around the central bank

Post  Admin Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:15 am

July 22, 2019 - 10:56


 BAGHDAD: Sumer News The head of age of the Commission on Integrity Representative Hisham al-Suhail that his committee opened the file auction currency and the conversion of hard currency abroad, adding that the Commission will announce the results of the investigation after its completion.

Suhail said in a press statement that "there are several suspicions of corruption of the Central Bank in the past periods, but the investigations did not prove actual violations."

He added that "the Integrity Commission still has some files distorted by suspicions of corruption in the Central Bank."

Al-Suhail pointed out that "the files belong to the currency auction and the conversion of hard currency abroad, and the Committee continues to audit all the files received."

"The commission can not give precise details about the nature of the suspicions and the results of the investigation until after the completion of the investigation in full."

He added that "the file in the Integrity Commission concerns the suspicions of corruption auction currency and the conversion of hard currency abroad, but until the moment is just a news."

The Iraq Center for Legal Development (ICLD), revealed on Monday, 17 suspected corruption that has plagued the work of the Central Bank of Iraq over the past years.

The Center said in its report to the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption, "The previous investigations were not conducted in an integrated manner, causing the door of corruption remains open to impact negatively on the Iraqi economy," noting that "previous investigations have focused on the authenticity of bills issued by banks and companies from Only formal aspect ".

He pointed out that "the need to ensure the official authorities on the fact of the import of goods and goods amounts equal to the amounts of remittances and if it proves that will prove a complex crime of fraud and fraud and smuggling of funds and damage to the Iraqi economy."

The report confirmed that "international banks have not verified the amounts of remittances alleged to them, and inquire about the fact of receipt of the relevant parties or to convert them again in favor of other accounts, whether in the same bank or other banks, and here will prove the crime of currency smuggling in a certainty."

The report said that "the central bank administration has doubled the number of banks in Iraq to almost three times without a feasibility study to exceed the number of Iraqi banks the number of banks of the countries of Britain and the UAE, Jordan and Lebanon combined, which opened a new corruption is the sale and purchase of licenses establishment.

The Center called for "verification of the licenses of banking companies granted in the past three years, and verification of banks belonging to political parties or backed by it, which will reveal political corruption, concluding with the demand also to verify the excessive building of the building of the central bank to be built.


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After the report "ICLD" .. Other corruption suspicions hover around the central bank Empty Re: After the report "ICLD" .. Other corruption suspicions hover around the central bank

Post  Admin Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:27 am

Conscious / legal center points seventeen suspicion of corruption in the work of the Central Bank


The Iraqi Center for Legal Development (ICLD) announced on Monday that it has uncovered seventeen corruption suspicions that have plagued Iraq's central bank over the past years.

According to a report received by the Center (Iraqi News Agency Information / INA) and submitted to the Supreme Council for the fight against corruption, that the previous investigations were not conducted in an integrated manner, causing the door to keep corruption open to impact negatively on the Iraqi economy, indicating that previous investigations have focused on the validity of bills Issued by banks and companies in terms of formality only, pointing to the need to ensure the official authorities on the fact of the import of goods and goods in amounts equal to the amounts of remittances and if it proves that will prove a complex crime of fraud and fraud and smuggling of funds and damage to economy Ad Iraqi.

The report pointed to the lack of verification of international banks that have been diverted amounts of remittances to them, and inquire about the fact of receipt of the relevant parties or to convert them again in favor of other accounts, whether in the same bank or other banks, and here will prove the crime of currency smuggling in a reliable manner, The Central Bank has doubled the number of banks in Iraq to almost three times without a feasibility study to exceed the number of Iraqi banks the number of banks of the countries of Britain and the United Arab Emirates and Jordan and Lebanon combined, which opened a new corruption is the sale and purchase of licenses establishment, demanding the verification of licenses company And the verification of banks belonging to or supported by political parties, which will reveal the political corruption, concluding with the demand to verify also the exaggeration in building the building of the central bank to be built.


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After the report "ICLD" .. Other corruption suspicions hover around the central bank Empty Re: After the report "ICLD" .. Other corruption suspicions hover around the central bank

Post  Admin Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:34 am

Abtahal al-Ghazi (Tigris): The money allocated to the building of the Central Bank raises questions about the beneficiaries

22-07-2019 04:42 PM

A member of Iraq's Center for Legal Development Abtahal al-Ghazi said on Monday that the investigations opened on suspicions of corruption of the Central Bank was only formality, noting that the currency sales were carried out through forms.

Al-Ghazi said in a statement to (Tigris), 'we asked to disclose the identity of banks as they become funding the influential', indicating that 'the sale of currency involves tax evasion and financial corruption', pointing out that 'funds allocated to the building of the Central Bank raises questions about the beneficiaries '.


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After the report "ICLD" .. Other corruption suspicions hover around the central bank Empty Re: After the report "ICLD" .. Other corruption suspicions hover around the central bank

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