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#####***** Relations, Iraq - Kuwait before the Security Council end of the month

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#####*****  Relations, Iraq - Kuwait before the Security Council end of the month Empty #####***** Relations, Iraq - Kuwait before the Security Council end of the month

Post  Admin Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:22 pm

10/06/2013 12:00 AM

Expectations of the transfer of most of the files to Chapter VI

Baghdad morning - Ann Salah

scheduled to meet UN Security Council end of June to discuss the
subject of transfer some files Kuwait with Iraq from Chapter VII to
Chapter VI after he drew Kuwait letters to the Council indicating the
approval in principle to the move.

Amid expectations that come out of
Iraq permanently from the provisions of Chapter VII
2015, confirms the Congress the importance of this step for Iraq's
sovereignty, economy and investment and the enjoyment of freedom of
movement and action at the international level.

has reviewed Iraq's
Ambassador to Kuwait Mohammad Bahr al-Ulum of the Ambassador of France
in Kuwait Nada Yafei on Sunday, Iraq's efforts to get out of the
provisions of Chapter VII through its implementation
obligations, in particular the file of prisoners and missing persons
and Kuwaiti property and maintenance of stent border.

was also,
according to a statement received "morning," a copy of it, search paths
and positive developments in the relationship between Iraq and Kuwait
after the settlement file Iraqi Airways and the Convention on maritime
navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah.

its part, confirmed the French Ambassador to the position of her
country's support for the efforts made by Iraq out of Chapter VII and in
the interest of the two countries towards a better future.

Was legal
adviser to the Prime Minister Fadel Muhammad Jawad said in a statement,
that the transfer of files related to Chapter VII to Chapter VI means
that the deal will be bilateral and United Nations Mission to help
Iraq, "UNAMI" will be is responsible for the follow-up file of prisoners
and Kuwaiti property and not the UN Security Council.
in the meantime,
said Britain's ambassador to the UN Mark Lyall Grant, whose country
holds the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council
The Council will hold consultations on 27 June, on issues relating to Iraq and Kuwait.

pointed to positive developments and the transfer of some of the files
from Chapter VII to Chapter VI while studying in July Council mandate of
the International Coordinator for the prisoners and the return of
Kuwaiti property.

Extensive details

scheduled to meet UN Security Council end of June to discuss the
current transfer some files Kuwait with Iraq from Chapter VII to Chapter
VI, after Kuwait sent letters to the Council which refers to its
approval in principle to the move.

amid expectations that Iraq permanently out of the provisions of
Chapter VII in 2015, emphasizes the importance of this step Congress for
Iraq's sovereignty, economy and investment and the enjoyment of freedom
of movement and action at the international level.

for the coalition of state law on the Keywords considered converting
some files relating to Kuwait from Chapter VII-VI as a natural right of
Iraq after that proved to be a safe and peaceful with all countries of
the region through his positions in the events taking place in the
Middle East.

Said Keywords in an interview for "Center Brief
for the Iraqi Media Network, "that" Iraq deserved this step thanks to
the seriousness and his tireless efforts to the implementation of Maalih
commitments to come out of the pain of this chapter, "and expressed the
hope that comes out of Iraq entirely subject to this chapter in 2015
after paid compensation prescribed by 5 percent
oil revenues to Kuwait.

added that "Iraq will be free economically in commercial transactions,
banking and commission income account and open a new page in its
relations with the countries of the world and encourage foreign capital
to invest in it like other countries."

In turn, drew the MP for the Iraqi List Haider Mulla to the importance of the difference between Chapter VII and VI for Iraq.

said Mullah's "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," said Chapter
VII issue binding decisions and deal with Iraq as a state threaten the
international community and detract from the sovereignty while Chapter
VI does not exceed being issued recommendations on the state of
internalized under طائلته.

praised the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomats
who have worked hard in the topic and sought a vigorous pace for the
liberation of Iraq from Chapter This chapter that much ارهقه.
legal adviser to the Prime Minister Fadel Muhammad Jawad said in a
statement, that the transfer of files related to Chapter VII to Chapter
VI means that the deal will be bilateral and United Nations Mission to
help Iraq, "UNAMI" will be is responsible for the follow-up file of
prisoners and Kuwaiti property and not Council
international security.

received "morning," a copy of the Foreign Ministry statement pointing
out that Iraq's Ambassador to Kuwait Mohammad Bahr al-Ulum browse
Ambassador French in Kuwait Nada Yafei Iraq's efforts to get out of the
provisions of Chapter VII through the implementation of international
commitments, especially a file of prisoners and missing persons and
Kuwaiti property and maintenance of stent border.

search was also tracks and positive developments in the relationship
between the two countries after the settlement of Iraqi Airways file and
the Convention on maritime navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah.

its part, the French Ambassador expressed her country's support for
efforts by Iraq out of Chapter VII and in the interest of the two
countries towards a better future.

is noteworthy that Iraq pays five percent of the total oil revenues to
Kuwait under UN-imposed compensation for the damage to Kuwait due to the
Iraqi invasion in 1990.

the meantime, Britain's ambassador at the United Nations Mark Lyall
Grant, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the UN Security
Council, said the council would hold consultations on June 27 on issues
relating to Iraq and Kuwait.

pointed to positive developments and the transfer of some of the files
from Chapter VII to Chapter VI while studying in July Council mandate of
the International Coordinator for the prisoners and the return of
Kuwaiti property.

said legal adviser Fadel Mohammed Jawad that the big difference between
Chapter VI and Chapter VII as the first issue recommendations, while
the second issue binding decisions and therefore the file of prisoners
and Kuwaiti property will understanding between Iraq and Kuwait with the
help "UNAMI" and not through the Security Council as is the case even

Jawad reviewed the benefits that would achieve Iraq بخروجه of Chapter
VII and return a normal state, including, but particularly in the
commercial and banking transactions and commission expense and risks
within the framework of economic exchanges and investment.

also predicted that Iraq emerges from the provisions of Chapter VII in
2015, while pay damages assessed by 5 percent of oil revenues to Kuwait.


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