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Bahrain to host GCC-EU meeting Sunday

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Bahrain to host GCC-EU meeting Sunday Empty Bahrain to host GCC-EU meeting Sunday

Post  kcs Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:25 pm

26/06/2013 | 09:48 PM | World News

RIYADH, June 26 (KUNA) -- Bahrain is set to host the 23rd session of the GCC-EU ministerial meting on Sunday, according to a statement released by the GCC here on Wednesday.

The meeting will be presided over by Bahraini Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmad Al Khalifa, who is the head of the current rotating GCC ministerial council, and EU foreign policy chief Katherine Ashton.

The meeting is expected to focus on existing cooperative relations between the GCC and the EU and a joint cooperative agreement signed in 1988, the statement said.

A number of regional and international issues of mutual interest will be also on the agenda of the joint meeting, it added. (end) KUNA 262148 Jun 13NNNN

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