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HoR Meeting - The agenda of the session (1) Tuesday (17) December 2013

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HoR Meeting - The agenda of the session (1) Tuesday (17) December 2013 Empty HoR Meeting - The agenda of the session (1) Tuesday (17) December 2013

Post  Admin Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:49 am


First, read verses from the Koran.

Second, the vote on the proposed law on Second Amendment to the Law University Service No. (23) for the year 2008. ( Commission of Higher Education and Scientific Research ). (4 items).

Third: The vote on the draft law of the First Amendment to the Law of Antiquities and Heritage No. (55) for the year 2002. (Commission of Tourism and Antiquities). (Article 14).

Fourth: The vote on the bill Eighth Amendment to the Law on the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. (40) for the year 1988. ( Commission of Higher Education and Scientific Research ). (Article 17).

Fifth: the first reading of the proposed law delegating authority. (Committee of the regions and provinces). (Article 5).

Sixth, the second reading of the draft law on ratification of agreement on the encouragement and protection of investment between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the government of Armenia. ( Committee on Foreign Relations , the Committee on the economy and investment). (2 items).

Seventh: The second reading of the bill Martyrs Foundation. (Committee of the martyrs and victims and political prisoners, Human Rights Commission ). (Article 28).

Eighth: the second reading of the draft law Iraqi Academy of Science. ( Commission of Higher Education and Scientific Research , Legal Committee ). (Article 33).

Begins the session time: eleven in the morning.


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