Iraqi Dinar
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Expectations of the adoption of the General Budget Law for the year 2014 on Tuesday

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Expectations of the adoption of the General Budget Law for the year 2014 on Tuesday Empty Expectations of the adoption of the General Budget Law for the year 2014 on Tuesday

Post  Admin Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:54 am

Sunday January 5, 2014 - 10:07

I expected an MP for the coalition of state law virgin Farooq said the Cabinet approval of the law of the general budget of the country for the current year next Tuesday in preparation to be sent to Parliament.

Said Farooq in a statement to Radio tow the meeting of the political blocs yesterday led to the need to pass the Unified Retirement Law as soon as possible, as well as that of the Committee on Culture and Information, which is a member seeking to pass a law honoring innovators and pioneers and the State Prize, which will be read in the first reading on Tuesday for a future In the House of Representatives.


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