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*********** Altercation inside the meeting between the National Alliance and the Ameri-Shahristani and al-Maliki and the last to leave the meeting

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***********  Altercation inside the meeting between the National Alliance and the Ameri-Shahristani and al-Maliki and the last to leave the meeting Empty *********** Altercation inside the meeting between the National Alliance and the Ameri-Shahristani and al-Maliki and the last to leave the meeting

Post  Admin Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:56 am

Altercation inside the meeting between the National Alliance and the Ameri-Shahristani and

7 أغسطس 2014 12:50

Treasures Media _ altercation broke out between the head of the independent affiliated to the coalition of state law, Hussein al-Shahristani and head of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Ameri and president of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki during a meeting of the National Alliance.

According to a source familiar with the "verbal argument got after the rejection of Ameri-Shahristani and renew the mandate of Nuri al-Maliki and attachment to the job and the hardening of his position and the effect that al-Maliki left the meeting room."

He said he did not know why he did not attend the head of the Dawa Party-Iraq Organization Khodair al of the meeting. "

The meeting was held the home of Prime Alliance Ibrahim al-Jaafari morning included leaders and representatives of the coalition, including Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Hussein al-Shahristani and Khodair al Hadi al-Ameri, to discuss the nomination of a person for the post of prime minister. "

It is said that a disagreement between the political blocs were part of the National Alliance on interpretation of the largest parliamentary bloc, a number which will cost a constitutional form the next government amid stuck coalition of state law as the biggest bloc, and not the National Alliance and the nomination of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for a third term, which was rejected by the majority of the blocks.

He sought to obtain the support of the political blocs to chosen as prime minister for a third term, as he reiterated his commitment in his weekly on Wednesday, on the grounds of his coalition, State of Law, the largest bloc in the House of Representatives, and nominate its candidate for prime minister, "warning of" overtaking on Merit Constitutional his coalition to form a government, which would open the fire of hell on Iraq. " He says.

By the President of the Republic has decided to extend the deadline Fuad Masum, determine the largest parliamentary bloc, which would cost its candidate to form a new government on Monday next after that was scheduled to end today


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Post  Admin Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:45 am

Badr bloc confirms rejection of the third term: the National Alliance is the biggest bloc in parliament

Baghdad-Iraq Press -7 August / August: confirmed Badr parliamentary bloc, affiliated to the State of Law coalition, on Thursday, refusing for a third term for the president of the Coalition Nuri al-Maliki when he confirmed that the National Alliance is the biggest bloc in parliament.

The MP said the bloc Bader Abdul Karim Mohammed, said "a coalition of state law supporter of the National Alliance, and through the Alliance nominates the prime minister, stressing that" the National Alliance is the largest bloc in the Iraqi parliament. "

He revealed the leadership of the Liberal bloc, bright Naji, that the leaders of the coalition of state law, Hussein al-Shahristani, and Hadi al-Ameri, they have told, coalition chairman Nuri al-Maliki refusing his tenure as prime minister again.

Naji said in a statement / Iraq Press / The "State of Law coalition held a meeting, on Tuesday evening, the leadership was marked by an altercation between both, al-Shahristani, and Hadi al-Ameri on the one hand, and the leader of the coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, after being told by their rejection of the inauguration of the post of prime minister again. "

He Naji said, "This news was leaked to us by the deputies were present at the meeting," noting that "the National Alliance will present its candidate for the position during the next two days."

The National Alliance, the largest bloc in the House of Representatives, where Abulgt number of seats (173) seats, and this may be a fingernail majority required as the largest bloc in parliament, what position to form the next government and choose a prime minister.

The odds on the biggest bloc between the State of Law coalition and the rest of the components of the National Alliance, where each party confirms that the owner of this trait and most entitled to form a government.


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Post  Admin Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:57 am

This is what you need to know

There are 4 groups with-in the State of Law

1.  Miliki
2. Khodair - al
3. Hussein Al- Shahristani
4. Hadi Al-Ameri

Hussein Al- Shahristani and Hadi Al- Ameri which holds about 55 seats in the State laws law is now refusing Maliki as Prime Minister

This will cause Maliki Not Be PRIME MINISTER!


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Post  Admin Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:08 am

Altercation between Maliki and Ameri-Shahristani and after the rejection of two of the third mandate

Thursday, 07 August / August 2014

Altercation between Maliki and Ameri-Shahristani and after the rejection of two of the third mandate

Liberal bloc revealed about the altercation between Maliki and Hadi al-Amiri and Hussein al-Shahristani, after the rejection of two of the third mandate.

A member of the Liberal bloc bright Naji told I followed Baghdadi News that a coalition of state law to hold a meeting of its leaders was marked by an altercation between both Shahristani and Ameri-Maliki on the one hand and on the other hand told him that after the rejection of his term as prime minister again.

He Naji said this news was leaked by the deputies were present at the meeting, noting that the National Alliance will present its candidate for the position during the next two days.

The National Alliance has announced a coalition of state law granted 48-hour deadline to withdraw the nomination of al-Maliki for prime minister and find a replacement fits with the demands of the reference and the political blocs.


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