Iraqi Dinar
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The meeting's agenda No. (26) Saturday (4) April 2015

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The meeting's agenda No. (26) Saturday (4) April 2015 Empty The meeting's agenda No. (26) Saturday (4) April 2015

Post  Admin Sat Apr 04, 2015 3:51 am

April 4, 2015

First, read verses from the Koran.

Second, a statement on the occasion of the International Day for the orphan child. (Human Rights Commission).

Third: The vote on the draft law amending the judicial fees Law No. (114) for the year 1981 ( the Finance Committee , the Legal Committee ). (Article 31).

Fourth: Invitation for discussion (hosted by the Minister of the Interior).

Fifth: the continuation of the debate for the second reading of the first draft amendment to the Law on the Protection of mass graves Law No. (5) for the year 2006. (Commission of the martyrs and victims and political prisoners, Human Rights Committee, the Legal Committee ). (Article 10).

Sixth: The second reading of the bill on political parties. ( Commission of civil society institutions , the Legal Committee ). (Article 69).

Session begins at: eleven am


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