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**************** Urgent .. Iraq gets a financial certificate enables him to deal with international banks with high confidence

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****************  Urgent .. Iraq gets a financial certificate enables him to deal with international banks with high confidence Empty **************** Urgent .. Iraq gets a financial certificate enables him to deal with international banks with high confidence

Post  Admin Thu May 19, 2016 5:04 pm

History of edits:: 2016/5/19 17:17

{BAGHDAD: Iraq's Euphrates News} got a financial certification by the IMF gives him a chance to deal with all international banks with high confidence.

The International Monetary Fund, and international partners, the World Bank had agreed to give Iraq a loan of {15} billion dollars ..itba h ..


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****************  Urgent .. Iraq gets a financial certificate enables him to deal with international banks with high confidence Empty Re: **************** Urgent .. Iraq gets a financial certificate enables him to deal with international banks with high confidence

Post  Admin Thu May 19, 2016 5:06 pm

Iraq is consistent with the IMF on a program to prepare the credit arrangements, which provides financial support extended {}

History of edits:: 2016/5/19 17:24

{Baghdad: Euphrates News} concluded Thursday evening, negotiations between the government delegation headed by Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, and the participation of Governor of the Central Bank, Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister, and senior experts in the ministries of finance, oil, planning, and electricity, and experts of the International Monetary Fund.

A statement by the Ministry of Finance and the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it, that "the negotiations that resulted in the agreement on a program to prepare the credit arrangements, which provides financial support for Iraq during the next three years, enabling it to continue to provide the war requirements on Daash terrorist gangs, and edit Iraqi land from the clutches of these gangs, and to reduce the deficit, the financial gap, and to achieve the financial and real economic reform. "

On the other side of the keenness of the government delegation that this program does not affect government spending on social services, health, education, and a network of social welfare and humanitarian programs. Ended h


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****************  Urgent .. Iraq gets a financial certificate enables him to deal with international banks with high confidence Empty Re: **************** Urgent .. Iraq gets a financial certificate enables him to deal with international banks with high confidence

Post  Admin Thu May 19, 2016 5:18 pm

Urgent ready credit gives Iraq a loan of $ 15 billion securities certificate to deal with international banks

History of edits:: 2016/5/19 18:34

Grant the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Iraq, according to the agreement to prepare the credit loan of $ 15 billion, in addition to a financial certification by the IMF gives him a chance to deal with all international banks with high confidence.

The finance ministry announced in a statement today, the conclusion of negotiations between the government delegation and the International Monetary Fund, and come to prepare the credit agreement [SBA] at the expert level.

He said that resulted from the negotiations, the agreement on the standby credit arrangement program, which provides financial support for Iraq during the next three years, enabling it to continue to provide the war requirements of the entity Daash terrorist edit Iraqi territory from the claws and deficit reduction and financial gap and achieve financial and economic reform real. "

Ministry said that "the government delegation was keen that this program does not affect the government spending in the area of ​​social and health services and education and a network of social welfare programs and humanity."

And reportedly obtaining Iraq, last Tuesday, a loan from the International Monetary Fund worth $ 13 billion with interest estimated at 1.5 percent.

As governor of the Iraqi Central Bank [agency] on the Keywords that Iraq will receive loans from the International Fund for up to $ 15 billion in the next two years.

And between Keywords in a newspaper interview, "Iraq is expected to happen this year at $ 7 billion or more, and in principle in the next two years could be that Iraq gets $ 15 billion, and these amounts can say that they have become almost certain."

An Iraqi government delegation senior headed by Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari held talks since last Saturday in the Jordanian capital Amman with the International Monetary Fund in order to conclude the credit readiness will provide Iraq with financial support to enable it to overcome the financial crisis and reduce the gap in the budget so as to enhance the economic and financial system reform process of agreement in the country.


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****************  Urgent .. Iraq gets a financial certificate enables him to deal with international banks with high confidence Empty Re: **************** Urgent .. Iraq gets a financial certificate enables him to deal with international banks with high confidence

Post  Admin Thu May 19, 2016 5:21 pm

Two officials: an agreement with the IMF to lend Iraq $ 5.4 billion interest rate of 1.5%
History of edits:: 2016/5/19 20:06

Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari said Thursday that Iraq had reached an agreement under loan demand worth $ 5.4 billion with the International Monetary Fund may lead to provide additional billions in international aid in the next three years.

The governor of the central bank on the Keywords during a news conference after a week of talks with the IMF in Jordan that the loan would be an annual interest rate of 1.5 percent, but did not address the length of the loan.

According to Zebari, the agreement will allow Iraq to secure additional financial aid, worth around $ 15 billion over the next three years, some in the form of international bonds.
Finance Minister added that the Agreement is subject to reduce the deficit in the budget for Iraq and other unspecified actions. "

Iraq plans to a senior member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries [OPEC] cut its forecast for oil prices, which will increase the current budget deficit of 24 trillion dinars [$ 21 billion] worth billions of dollars.

The head of the IMF mission to Iraq Christian Gooch told reporters that the agreement is an important first step might give confidence to other donors to provide additional funding.
The pact needs to the approval of the Board of the International Monetary Fund, which will meet in June, still.


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****************  Urgent .. Iraq gets a financial certificate enables him to deal with international banks with high confidence Empty Re: **************** Urgent .. Iraq gets a financial certificate enables him to deal with international banks with high confidence

Post  Admin Thu May 19, 2016 5:30 pm

World Bank official to Ebadi: studying increasing investment in electricity and water in Iraq

History of edits:: 2016/5/19 20:31

Search Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, in his office on Thursday, with the Executive Director of the World Bank for Iraq Mirza Hassan and his cooperation between Iraq and the World Bank and implemented projects in Iraq and his plans and projects for the next phase delegation.

Abadi said in a statement his office received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, "the importance of supporting the private sector and the need to focus on projects the province of Basra."

For his part, he pointed out Mirza Hassan that "Iraq's stability is important and we have a new strategy to increase cooperation with Iraq and support the private and soft loans sector, displaying their full support for the reforms carried out by Dr. Abadi that Iraq if it continues with this approach, it will surpass the crisis and evolve a lot."

Mirza said that "the bank is considering increasing investment projects in electricity, water and other types of energy sectors."

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank has granted Iraq, according to the agreement to prepare the credit loan of $ 15 billion, in addition to a financial certification by the IMF gives him a chance to deal with all international banks with high confidence.

An Iraqi government delegation senior headed by Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari held talks since last Saturday in the Jordanian capital Amman with the International Monetary Fund in order to conclude the credit readiness will provide Iraq with financial support to enable it to overcome the financial crisis and reduce the gap in the budget so as to enhance the economic and financial system reform process of agreement in the country.


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