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Terminal: manual counting and counting will be limited to doubtful funds only

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Terminal: manual counting and counting will be limited to doubtful funds only Empty Terminal: manual counting and counting will be limited to doubtful funds only

Post  Admin Mon Jun 25, 2018 8:48 am

Monday 25 June 2018 - 02:25 PM

The head of the stream of wisdom in parliament Habib terminal that the Board of Commissioners consisting of nine judges decided on Sunday, that the counting and manual counting only on the funds questionable, according to the interpretation of what the Federal Court in this regard, which means that the process of counting and sorting will not take time Long.

He added that the decision of the Board of Commissioners this cut the way for many who are demanding the re-counting and manual sorting of all the ballot boxes, which he said it will cost a long time and enter the country in a constitutional vacuum and the problem that will lead to delay the formation of the new government, as well as the current government can not be A caretaker government for a long time, especially in light of the increasing security problems plaguing the country, he said.

The judges assigned earlier decided to carry out the process of manual counting and counting of the electoral centers in respect of which a complaint submitted to the Independent High Electoral Commission or official reports on suspicion of forgery only alone, whether at home or abroad, reference decision "to respect the will of the voter and his rights to participate in public affairs and Wasting his voice, which came without any question. "


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Terminal: manual counting and counting will be limited to doubtful funds only Empty Re: Terminal: manual counting and counting will be limited to doubtful funds only

Post  Admin Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:05 am

Deputy: Federal Court has satisfied all political parties
Monday 25 June 2018

Alsumaria News / Baghdad
MP of the coalition of Iraqi forces Abdul Rahman al-Loizi, Monday, that the Federal Court wanted to keep the stick from the middle and satisfy all political parties interpretation of the count and manual counting.

"The House of Representatives, when he went to the third amendment to the law of the House of Representatives with its first article of counting and sorting the whole was constitutionally successful evidence that the Federal Court did not break the first article as it did in Article III, which provided for the cancellation of voices abroad and displaced.

"The Federal Court, as it seems, wanted to keep the stick from the middle and satisfy all the political parties when it went to indicate that counting and sorting is focused on stations that have complaints," adding that "the House of Representatives when the judges were authorized to assume the post of commissioners, "We trust all the procedures carried out by the commissioners, including the transfer of ballot boxes from the provinces to the center in the national in Baghdad."

"The Federal Court may have found that counting and counting may take a long time and may raise political problems, which made them step down the middle curve of manual counting and counting but at the same time made it in part."

On Sunday, June 24, 2018, the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) decided to re-process the counting and counting process manually at the polling stations where complaints or official reports were received on suspicions of forgery only, whether at home or abroad. Based on the decision of the Federal Supreme Court in this regard.

It is noteworthy that the Federal Court announced on Thursday (21 June 2018), its support for the third amendment to the election law, which was voted by the parliament on June 6, which includes a manual recount of the results of the elections in all of Iraq, noting that the cancellation of the results of elections abroad and displaced incorrect.ط£ط±ط¨ط¹ط©️-ظ‚طھظ„ظ‰-ظˆ12-ط¬ط±ظٹط­ط§-ظپظٹ-ط­ط


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