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Agenda of the meeting (7) Tuesday (14) January 2014

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Agenda of the meeting (7) Tuesday (14) January 2014 Empty Agenda of the meeting (7) Tuesday (14) January 2014

Post  Admin Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:16 am


First: - read verses from the Koran.

Second: - The vote on the draft law on ratification of the cooperation agreement between the governments of Iraq and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the field of transfer of sentenced penalties of deprivation of liberty. ( Committee on Foreign Relations , the Committee on Security and Defense, Legal Committee ) (2 items).

Third: - vote on the draft law on ratification of agreement transfer of sentenced persons between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Islamic Republic. ( Foreign Relations Committee , the Legal Committee , for the security and defense committee, the Commission on Human Rights ). (2 items).

Fourth: - vote on the draft labor law. (Committee on Labour and Social Affairs, the Legal Committee , the Committee on the institutions of civil society ). (Article 157).

Fifth: - the first reading of the draft law of the First Amendment to the Law reward trainees in vocational training centers under the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Committee for Labor and Social Affairs, the Finance Committee ). (3 items).

Sixth: - the second reading of the draft law of social protection. (Committee on Labour and Social Affairs, the Committee on Women, Family and Childhood). (Article 35).

Itbda session time: eleven in the morning.


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Agenda of the meeting (7) Tuesday (14) January 2014 Empty Re: Agenda of the meeting (7) Tuesday (14) January 2014

Post  Admin Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:56 am

Independent MP Sabah al-Saadi

01/14/2014 14:33

Tomorrow's Press / Baghdad: The independent MP Sabah al-Saadi, on Tuesday, the Iraqi Council of Representatives rejects a prisoner exchange agreement with Saudi Arabia, because of the refusal of the Iraqi street of this Convention, calling on the government to approach the UN Security Council to punish state sponsors of cuticle.

Saadi said during a press conference in the House of Representatives and was attended by "tomorrow's Press," "The House of Representatives rejects the agreement a prisoner exchange with Saudi Arabia because of the refusal of the Iraqi street to send killers to their home countries," noting "we were believe to be discussed by the Iraqi government with the Secretary General of the UN Ban Ki-moon file supporters of terrorism, but that did not happen. "

He called on "the government overture to the United Nations and the Security Council to punish state sponsors and supporting Ahab on the grounds that Iraq's documents should be provided to these organizations, so it should not be silent international community for these countries."

He called al-Saadi "not to make Iraq Daash fighting on behalf of the world, because the blood of our children is dear to us," noting that "the government controlling the border to curb the entry of terrorists and the distribution of the security effort and intelligence to all the provinces."

Iraq has signed and Saudi Arabia (18 March, 2012) agreement for the exchange of prisoners between the two countries, which recognizes Baghdad Saudi prisoners to spend the remainder of their sentences in their home not covered by any amnesty.


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Agenda of the meeting (7) Tuesday (14) January 2014 Empty Re: Agenda of the meeting (7) Tuesday (14) January 2014

Post  Admin Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:41 am

House of Representatives vote on a single law and end the first and second readings of bills


The House voted seven minutes of the second legislative term of the legislative year, the fourth, which was held under the chairmanship of Mr. Osama Najafi, head of the House of Representatives and in the presence of 185 deputies on Tuesday, 01/14/2014, on a bill with one that ended the first and second reading of the draft laws.

 At the outset of the session following the Committee of Awqaf and Religious Affairs issued a statement given its blessing to the Islamic nation in general and the Iraqi people with all its components and factions on the occasion of the birth of the Great Prophet Muhammad (p), pointing to the importance of inspiration lessons from the appropriate generator Sharif to establish the rules of security, peace and unity of the nation-building center, calling on the Iraqi people to Docking and unity to achieve victory over the enemies of Iraq urgent, humanitarian and devote themselves to nation-building as well as the importance of supporting the armed forces and tribal dignified in the face of terrorism.

The Council voted to reject a draft law on ratification of the cooperation agreement between the Governments of the Republic of Iraq and Saudi Arabia in the transfer of sentenced persons punishable by deprivation of liberty and submitted by the Committees on Foreign Relations and Defense and Security, legal and who comes for the purpose of documenting the active cooperation in the transfer of sentenced persons between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and Saudi Arabia, including consistent with the principles of national sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of each other.

The Council voted to approve the draft law on ratification of agreement transfer of sentenced persons between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and provided to the Committees on Foreign Relations, legal, security and defense, human rights and which aims to document the effective cooperation in the transfer of sentenced persons between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in line with the principles of national sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of each other.

Then the Presidency decided to postpone the vote on the draft labor law, submitted by the committees of labor and social affairs and legal to session next Thursday.

In another matter the Council ended the first reading of the draft law of the First Amendment to the Law reward trainees in vocational training centers under the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and submitted by the committees of labor and social affairs, finance due to lack of training due to the lack of reward given to the trainee and authorize the Council of Ministers the power to modify.

The Council completed the second reading of the draft law of social protection and submitted by the committees Labor and Social Affairs, Women, Family, Children and legal.

In interventions Ladies and Gentlemen of Representatives on the bill, MP Sabah al-Saadi on the importance of the law, although he did not meet the aspirations adequately in terms of reducing the suffering of the Iraqi people and to address the situation of people living below the poverty line.

MP Hamid Buffy the integration of the current law with the Social Security Act to provide for the health and basic requirements for living Quran calling for all citizens to abolish the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

He MP Riad Ghraib to the need for the enactment of the social security and health and work on the formation of an ad hoc committee to take care of categories covered by the law.

In turn, showed an MP to meet Yassin said the Health Insurance Law was sent to the Council of State has not been sent to the House of Representatives so far, calling for a law to ensure uniform because there is a real need for the Iraqi people to laws that guarantee their rights.

The MP Bayazid Hassan said the law contributes to raising the standard of living of the poor coverage of a proposed law, unmarried women.

He suggested MP Walid al-Hilli converter name to the social security law being in line with Islamic and international labels for the care of needy people who did not have jobs, pointing to the importance of the adoption of e-government to facilitate the administrative procedures for the auditors.

The MP called on the gift of hope to the inclusion of the graduates of the unemployed in the law of social protection, while providing jobs for them.

For his part, MP Aziz Ugaili deduct a percentage of the distribution of oil and imports to the Iraqi people or the enactment of the Social Security along the lines of a number of countries.

The deputy noted the names of the al-Moussawi, the need to inclusion of only destitute widows, divorcees and others within the categories covered by the law.

The MP Abbas al-Bayati, the adoption of electronic card in the distribution of salaries allocated to the covered banks in addition to the involvement of a representative of the Ministry of Women in the body for social protection.

And urged MP Ashwaq dry to change the term to the Directorate of Social Protection in case linked to the ministry because the bodies have personal significance.

MP Arshad Salhi, except for the unemployed and covered by the law of support in the event of employment, calling for the involvement of representatives of civil society organizations approved and concerned with women's affairs.

For his part, MP Ammar Tohme on the importance of seeking the opinion of the Committee of Awqaf and Religious Affairs on the rightful heir, and some of the issues contained in the law.
The MP Faleh applicable law that is very important at this sensitive stage with the presence of many families suffer from difficult circumstances, calling for the inclusion of people with special needs law.

It showed Samira al-Moussawi said the law protects state funds from being put corruption mechanisms followed by the Ministry of Labor for the disbursement of funds in accordance with the law, which will be in effect pending the enactment of a comprehensive social security.

In response to the interventions confirmed committees that label social welfare does not include an imbalance because the signified year is state support for specific segments, pointing to the existence of a study to integrate social laws similar within a single law during the legislative session coming, noting that the presence of the Commission within the law is linked to follow up on the progress of work Authority on welfare, taking into consideration the suggestions and opinions provided by the ladies and gentlemen of Representatives.

For his part, Mr. Najafi stressed the importance of law and review of the legal and financial in order to vote on it soon.

In another matter, Mr. President of the Council announced the formation of a parliamentary committee comprising the committees of health and education for the purpose of investigating the cause of biscuits tainted departing Committee to Amman to follow up on the investigation and submit them later for a complete report to the House of Representatives.

Then decide to adjourn the meeting to next Thursday corresponding to 01/16/2014.

The information department
Iraqi Council of Representatives


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