Iraqi Dinar
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Confirm the parliamentary financial difficulty retrieving Iraqi funds from international banks

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Confirm the parliamentary financial difficulty retrieving Iraqi funds from international banks Empty Confirm the parliamentary financial difficulty retrieving Iraqi funds from international banks

Post  Admin Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:01 am

05/07/2012 15:37

Baghdad, July 5 (Rn) - The parliamentary Finance Committee, Thursday, for recovery of funds that the issue of Iraq in the international banks face a lot of difficulties and needs further study.

A member of the Committee Najiba Najib told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that "the recovery of Iraqi funds held abroad needs a lot of study in spite of legislation, the law on the subject," adding "the file, and a lot of complexity as a result it is not exposed to the Ministry of Finance states that Astkarzt from Iraq or that Iraq was deposited in banks Amola. "

She explained that the Commission and officials of the Ministry of Finance could not say how those amounts because she went illegally for decades, the oil-for-food "than he needs her some time to find the money."

The Iraqi government announced earlier that there is evidence to prove that Iraq's money that has been converted prior to 2003 the names of fictitious and unreal to foreign countries. "

The UN Security Council voted on three resolutions concerning the abolition of the work program of the oil for food.

From: Saman Daza Yei, RN LLC


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