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#########Nujaifi: Ki-moon on Thursday in Baghdad and remove Iraq from Chapter VII on the agenda of his visit

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#########Nujaifi: Ki-moon on Thursday in Baghdad and remove Iraq from Chapter VII on the agenda of his visit Empty #########Nujaifi: Ki-moon on Thursday in Baghdad and remove Iraq from Chapter VII on the agenda of his visit

Post  Admin Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:19 am

BAGHDAD / obelisk: said Iraqi Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi, Wednesday, that the Secretary-General of the United Nations will visit Baghdad from Kuwait tomorrow, hoping that the visit would contribute to ending the outstanding issues between Iraq and Kuwait.

Najafi said that "Ki-moon will visit Baghdad on Thursday from Kuwait," pointing out that "the visit, we hope to contribute to the Collapse and finish the outstanding issues between the two countries and out of Iraq from Chapter VII."

To that reported political source for "obelisk", "The visit of the Secretary-General of the United Nations takes only one day," noting that "the Secretary-General of the United Nations will meet President Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will also hold a joint meeting at the Conference Palace with the parliament speaker and heads of blocs and parliamentary committees. "

The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, that"the moon would discuss with Iraqi officials in the executive and legislative branches a number of issues, particularly the political crisis in Iraq and the situation in Syria, in addition to the political crisis in the country and the issue of removing Iraq from Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations" .

The Secretary-General of the United Almtaaln said in remarks before the visit that "Iraq wants to get out of the provisions of Chapter VII of the UN Charter, but I strongly encourage the Iraqi Prime Minister to speed up the closure of many important files in the fastest time possible."

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and head of UNAMI in Iraq Martin Cooper arrived in Kuwait, Tuesday, to post the reception of the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who is visiting Kuwait from Qatar in the territory round include Iraq, Jordan and Turkey.


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#########Nujaifi: Ki-moon on Thursday in Baghdad and remove Iraq from Chapter VII on the agenda of his visit Empty Re: #########Nujaifi: Ki-moon on Thursday in Baghdad and remove Iraq from Chapter VII on the agenda of his visit

Post  Admin Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:04 am

Maliki adviser: Ban Ki-moon visits Iraq tomorrow to discuss the file Kuwait
Wednesday, 05 January 1 / December 2012 14:56

{Baghdad: Euphrates News} detect media adviser to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will arrive on Thursday to Iraq to discuss the situation in the region, particularly the Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations.

Said Ali al-Moussawi told {Euphrates News} that "the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and his entourage will arrive in Iraq on Thursday to discuss the situation in Iraq and the region."

He added that "the Secretary-General of the United Nations will focus in his talks with the Iraqi government on the issue of relations Iraq - Kuwait". Ended 2


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