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KTFA Monday Night CC Notes from 9-12-16 Part 1

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 KTFA Monday Night CC Notes from 9-12-16  Part 1  Empty KTFA Monday Night CC Notes from 9-12-16 Part 1

Post  Admin Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:49 am



Hello are the notes from last night's CC.....big thank you to Frosty for his prompt version that popped out last night, almost before Frank was finished....awesome job sir....glad you are with us.....enjoy Aloha Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes for Monday 09-12-2016

Frank26: We are now ready to walk into our study of the Iraqi dinar…..I have been working at a very fast pace for the last three days….a frantic pace because we have a lot to share with you… kick back….relax and enjoy this conference call.

There are no super heroes of intel…..there are no champions of intel…and I don’t claim to be either….there are many sites out there that can help you….

I am privileged to be able to contribute to that effort….and the reason we do this is because I belief from the same place where the four rivers once met….the Garden of Eden…..Babylon….Babel….today Baghdad…..a wealth transfer is coming to us… the same manner that it arrived by three wise men to Mary and Joseph so that baby Jesus could accomplish his mission….frankincense…..myrrh….and gold were the blue chip stocks of that era….this land is rich Family….it is rich beyond comparison….and God made it so for a reason….there are no veins of gold in Iraq….there are mountains of gold….everywhere that you step oil literally squirts out….this is a rich place that is about to do a very powerful thing for their country.

My TEAMS and I have been waiting for Iraq to meet with the IMF once again….it happened to be while I was gone….they met with them….and WalkingStick has been giving you as many articles as he can….in order to guide you and help you…..he’s done a wonderful job….but….DELTA and I would like to tell you that the translations have been lacking…..there has been much hidden stuff inside these articles… the Arabic form…..obligations that have been put upon Iraq have been accomplished….except for two things…..and within those articles and in the back…..pause…..we would like for you to know that the articles have been lacking….and that the IMF met with Iraq this past week….and they told them in order to receive any further loans… for example the $650 million dollar loan that is waiting for them in November…..they have to do two final things that they have not done….the translation…

Like I said is lacking….it is in Arabic…and the meeting is not there….and they told them in this meeting….the IMF told Iraq….in order for you to receive further loans….you have to finish….the Financial Reform….this is SERIOUS Family…..because you didn’t get to see that in the articles….the meaning is not properly translated…..they told them you have to finish the Financial Reform…..they also talked about the Economics…but they mainly said….finish the Financial Reforms….before November….this is Iraq’s window Family…..IOO….as a TEAM study that we are.

Allak is saying the very same thing is he not…..all is done….but the currency reform is not….it is the only thing that is left….and the IMF is demanding that they do this before November…..the CBI and the IMF are now talking about these issues.

The Rafadain and Rasheed Banks are now poised and set to make loans to citizens….and even to sell the American dollar to the citizens and….why….because the auctions will eventually disappear…..because there were the requirements….among many that the IMF had for them…..but they have not completed the Financial Reform….why…..we are going to study this in depth tonight.

The government right now is actually gone… is a certain type of holiday that is a continuation of Eid….that is called a Sacrifice Feast….you can find all of this information on the CBI website under holidays….if you speak and read Arabic…..this is what I feel the internet was lacking last week….it was all there and it is all there right now…..they must finish their Financial Reform….the CBI is giving you their step by steps….this information about the IMF and Iraq is HUGE.

A long time ago the IMF told them….we are going to help you but you have to lift the 000’s…..and in December of last year you know very well what they did….they laid out the plan….and here we are seeing it unfold…..would you not agree with me that they are international.

IMF said look we will take you into the international theater by the middle of the year 2016….and they did…and now it is their turn IMO to finish the final obligation that the IMF demands of the GOI and CBI….notice that I combine them together and do not separate them….and you will see the profound reason why in a minute.

The conclusion of Fallujah equaled the Financial and Economic Reforms….do you not see the Economic Reforms before you….you do to a degree….the fat lady that I call Mosul that sits right in front of you and you are blinded….there are many articles out there that are showing you people are shopping and going to work….my God they are paving the roads of Mosul….you saw the article… can you pave the roads of Mosul if you are in a battle right now….the fat lady serves a purpose and she is doing a very good job….the conclusion of Fallujah has brought the Economic Reforms….it is the Financial Reform of the CBI that needs to be done now….the CBI…IMO….along with the GOI is about to follow these orders.

Let’s look after the holiday….because they are looking at about a five day holiday for this Sacrifice Feast….after their Eid ended…..and if you include these extra days….Friday, Saturday, Sunday… is a total of about nine days that the GOI has to come back and communicate with the CBI….and determine if they are going to follow this last step….the CBI said they would lift the 000’s….and would be ready by 2017….but that was before this meeting with the IMF…..the latest information we have from the CBI website in Arabic…..Allak knows these steps…..and under his watch he may get some very big credentials….if when they come back the CBI and the GOI decide to lift the value of their currency.

So with these five days off and the weekend….these nine days….let’s see what they do when they come back….especially since the IMF has met with them….and demanded they finish the Financial Reforms before November….this is not new….this is in the CBI back office website….in Arabic….not fully translated while I was gone.

Even the US Treasury has said, we will help you if you follow everything the IMF has told you.

I’ll be honest with you….if you paid close attention to the articles that WalkingStick delivered to you…..Allak himself came out and said….there are still a few things left to do….for the Monetary Reform….I feel we have presented them to you by the interpretation that is on the CBI website.

A curious thing….I do not have much respect for Wells Fargo….in fact in Friday’s Wall Street Journal….WF was caught doing some shenanigans….I have the article here but I don’t have the time to talk about it….but I do have the time to point something out about WF….they have been quiet lately….but for the longest time they have told you that the Iraqi dinar is a scam…..WF doesn’t exchange foreign currency does it….I would like for you to walk into a WF and see that they now have a TV digital display showing you exchange currency rates of many foreign currencies around the world….no the Iraqi dinar is not on it yet….but how curious they spent all of these millions of dollars to show you a list of exchange rates when WF does not make any money with exchanging any currency….right now.

I told you from the very beginning….when I first met you….that on that day when we created our brand new forum and I broke away from being a forum within a forum….the first question you asked me….what can you teach me….on December 1st 2008….I told you that on December 21st at noon….at 12:01 Chase Manhattan would stop selling the dinar….you rolled your eyes and said….oh my God what did we get as a leader…..when that day came…..Chase Manhattan….J.P. Morgan stopped selling the dinar….and then I taught you the chain of command…..Bank of America, Chase Manhattan, Wells Fargo, and Citibank that has created the bridge with the banks in Iraq that you finally learned about last year….I’m not here to criticize WF…..but I am here to tell you what they are doing….IMO WF is getting ready for something to happen….maybe with some currencies….solely my opinion.

Family…..the CBI has more money in their reserves than they have reported to you…..$58 billion we see in the articles….IMO is not correct….they are telling you now that they have $10 billion more in their reserves….even the IMF in the article that was released said they were surprised…..I don’t think they were surprised……there was a good reason for this extra money…..tonight we are going to go even deeper into that subject.

Two things have to be done….finish the Financial Reform….that will also finish the Economic Reforms….but in this meeting they didn’t talk about anything but the Financial Reforms.

Do you notice that the IMF got involved with the price of the barrel… you mean to say the IMF has the power to increase the price of oil per barrel Frank… of course not….but if you are going to borrow money….oh my goodness….a commitment….that leads to an engagement ring….that leads to a wedding ring….a commitment for life….yeah… well you want some loans…..finish your Financial Reforms….we will give you loans which will then commit us together for life….and this meeting….while I was gone….discussed this in depth….and we will also tonight.

I told you earlier this year, I believe in February of this year…..I told you Family….the barrel of oil will fall to about $43-45 dollars….look at your notes….it is there….many months later….here we are…..and you see exactly that…..why….I won’t go into that….but I will tell you that the IMF has the right to stick its hand in the 2017 budget of Iraq….why….because they have made loans……they are going to make more loans….and they are going to be married forever….paying back those loans.

The IMF has the right to inquire and ask questions and tell Iraq what to do with their budget….it may seem like a quagmire….but there was a rider that they used… has to do with the citizens portions….and as you know there are four parts….the HCL has been used for over a decade in Iraq….but only three of those four parts….it is the citizens portion that has never been activated…..and the HCL was activated by Abadi on the day that I left… is not the Kurdistan portion….it is all of the citizen’s portion…and this is what Abadi has activated…..with the rider that has been in the budget for the HCL….that the IMF is looking at very carefully….why……because they want their money back….we will talk about that in depth again in a minute.

I believe by the way that this is going to be a five year period to get the citizens on their feet….no more subsidiaries…..after five years they will look at the HCL….but they needed to activate it now….and it has been taken care of….another thing that waits in a long line….in preparation…it is kind of a mess with an influx of something that is so important right now…..the citizens.

In Qayyarah it is a busy mess….Mosul is loud with the media right now….on time….but it still tells you it is a battle….and there are battles….but not to the degree that they have painted.

My FRIENDS tell me….we have no sense of danger anymore Frank…that is a powerful statement from those that I love and trust…..there is less and less terrorism Frank…..hmmmm….but what about the moving battle….not sure about that Frank….well how are they building things out there….how are they paving roads if there is a battle….if there is a looming battle to come…..bad calculations…..or a fat lady called mispropoganda.

Strategically, Mosul is not that important….but as propaganda to make you look the other way….I suppose it is….now granted….Mosul is important for a variety of reasons….but the media doesn’t cover that…..instead they tell you it is a war-torn area….so be it.

The IMF said that terrorism has to be gone….and I understand that to be the need….but in all cities….in all honesty….strategically….Mosul is not that important…..they are saying that terrorism is going away and this is exactly what the IMF wants….but that moment…..that operation….IMO is being well protected… don’t need to talk about it when you are removing the enemy…..because they can hear you.

Meanwhile, we are blowing up DAASH/ISIS…..we are blowing up their money….because we are blowing up everything about them….their oil tankers that they stole…..this is good isn’t it IMF.

We told you that on September 9th there would be something of great interest for us….we are now looking at the 12th….three days later…..would you not agree with me that the articles that our news hounds have been putting on our forum are so overwhelming that you can’t even keep up with them….I believe you would…..right now after the 9th of September…..Abadi is becoming more and more involved with the citizens.

Before Eid started Abadi went to the citizens on TV….and looked them face to face and told them…..good times are coming for you….prosperity is coming….he announced to his people he was going to do the Economic and Financial Reforms…..he told them he would have new cabinet members that would not steal from them any longer….we even gave you a list of about seven or eight names that I couldn’t even pronounce….that Abadi was using to fill in his cabinet members.

Family the CBI back room is full of information in Arabic.

WalkingStick has been giving you articles….for example….”IMF is Likely to Concur Stability of Oil in Iraq $35 to $43 a barrel”….I already told you what we shared with you back in February….here it is…..and you wonder why the US and Russia declared a truce with Syria… kill the rest of ISIS.

There was a letter of intent….and you read about it while I was gone….it had 10 to 20 points that the IMF wanted the GOI and CBI to finish….in there also… the CBI back room in Arabic….is all of this that I am explaining to you…..there are line items with dates…yeah….for them to complete….all of these things that the IMF is demanding of them right now.

You see this system was not meant to be a forever thing….the supply and demand of Iraq’s currency….will cause them to sell more dollars….but the IMF is showing them how to put a stop to this.

If you are familiar with the term “Dirty Float”….that is what has been going on….Iraq is losing profitability….their money… the way they have been treating their exchange rates…..the Marshall Plan was not to be a forever thing…it is to be accomplished within ten years….not twelve or thirteen plus years….the IMF is not pleased that not everything has been done….they need to finish their Financial Reforms….and they were scolded this week….

The price in their budget is important….any oil that goes through Iraq has to go through their budget….and Iraq….says the IMF if you want more loans from us….we need to know exactly what you are doing with your money….because we tell you what to do with it….but in this case it is even more intimate…..we want to make sure you guys pay us back…..Iraq’s ability to pay back these loans was one of the crucial aspects of the meeting they had while I was gone… see Family the IMF dictates what you will or will not do in your country…..with your currency….with your budget… order to get these loans… the ten to twenty points that you saw in that article….hence negotiations….talks….but these negotiations and talks need to come to an end….enough is enough….there will be more meetings that I pray will lead to an ending with these negotiations with the IMF and Iraq….notice that….notice that Iraq will meet with the IMF in the US in October and November and I pray that it is for finality….for a conclusion….that is why the IMF is so concerned about the price of a barrel of oil….and the ability of that budget.

All these loans require much…..require money….up front….require a payment system….etc….and that is what they are negotiating Family.

This conference call is in my opinion….except when I tell you about the articles that are backing up what I am saying… far everything I have said to you is in the articles….but what you have not seen that I am telling you about is in the CBI back office….in the spreadsheet area….it is all in Arabic.

The IMF has told them….has told them in this last meeting….this is how you are going to do this….a plan was laid out as you know in December 2015….Parliament could stall these negotiations…..they could say well we don’t have enough funds to cover the big loans….we need to debate this….we need to talk about this….how it is that we are going to pay you back…..if you give us these loans….well enough of that… the IMF is demanding….do your Financial Reforms….then you get your loans….the IMF does not want anymore wastes of time….at the end of this CC it will hit you hard and you will understand why….hence the profound meetings with the Minister of Oil and the budget of Iraq…..because by next year the price of oil might be up to $50 or more.

Yes OPEC and Iran have agreed….you read it… freeze the production of oil to raise the prices…..fascinating isn’t it….everyone wants them to raise their value….this will also help them with their credit rating.

Let’s pretend that the price of oil goes to $43….not $35….then the budget will be safer in repaying these loans won’t it….anything under $43 will create a deficit….now we are in the negative aren’t we….if I were the IMF I would be saying heck no….not again….not this time.

Last year the price of oil was all over the place….it actually messed up the reform process in my opinion….that is why they didn’t complete their budget…..hence that is why many ME countries do not go to the IMF for help….there are very stringent requirements and that is good….a unified freeze is a unified cause in the ME…..they all know what they are doing….but they don’t need to explain it to you….a freeze means that Iraq cannot sell any oil either to make up any deficit in their budget…it may work….it may not work….time will tell.

One of the more powerful things that Allak has said recently was that by the beginning of the first quarter of 2017 that their country would only be using the Iraqi dinar….to make all payments…..yeah it has been a gradual process to reach that level that they are trying to get to….the MCP as you can see from the auctions is evaporating isn’t it….but it is a slow process it is not something you can do cold turkey….because it is the auctions that are keeping them alive right now….their only source of income….they can’t stop them overnight….but you see the gradual decline of the MCP.

It’s not so much about their imports and exports….because the WTO uses many currencies for payments….they are losing money every day because of the way they have their exchange system.

Mosul….Family IMO is for a correct census….yes a census was taken before Maliki decided to make a mess over there…..but the citizens have scattered….they left Fallujah….they left Mosul….they left the provinces….they left the villages….and now there is a great need and importance to bring back these citizens……yes there are census numbers….but in Kurdistan there are 1.5 million Arabs that were displaced…..they need to be returned back to their proper areas….so those census numbers make sense once again….there is a great exodus in reverse….

IMO this was one of the subjects between the IMF and Iraq last week in Jordan…..return the citizens….apply the census….satisfy Article 140….deal with the HCL within the budget… we have studied the price of oil to be solid enough for you to do this…..Kurdistan and Iraq need an agreement for Article 140….but I believe that has been done or is being kept away from us….the population of the provinces determines the number of seats within Parliament in the government…it doesn’t just affect the currency rights of the citizens for the HCL fourth part….it affects votes….it affects the elections….it affects the ration card program….the oil distribution of the HCL….it affects many things….I believe the census may fail….and everything that I just described will also then fail….if we don’t allow the fat lady to sit in front of you so that you don’t see or understand that these people are coming back.

Slowly but surely in the last three days you have seen a plethora from our news hounds of articles that are telling you just that….you see returning….you see displacement….you see citizens….because this is what we studied and told you before it happened.

The census are important but I believe they failed when it was needed…..get these people back…..because I believe these numbers need to be adjusted a bit….because imagine when they were fleeing for their lives…..well what are the numbers for the HCL….for the citizens…and now that they are trying to return it is no time to have a census….one of the questions they ask during the census was what is your religion….many of the citizens were afraid to answer that question….because Maliki was in control….one would not dare to say well I’m a Sunni….or that I am a Shiite….well you are in the wrong place….and because of that the problem of fear…..of retaliations because maybe they were not part of a certain group that was in power at that time.


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 KTFA Monday Night CC Notes from 9-12-16  Part 1  Empty Re: KTFA Monday Night CC Notes from 9-12-16 Part 1

Post  Admin Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:52 am

KTFA Monday Night CC Notes From 9-12-16 Part 2


Part 2:

Frank26: Another reason that these numbers might need adjusting now is because you have 1.5 million Arabs in Iraq that were distributed in the Kurdistan region….and if you think that the Kurds will go along with this….no….like Kirkuk that is mostly Arab now….there are less and less Kirkuk citizens….this has to be corrected and it is IMO….this displacement lays false claims of ethnic populations….because right now there is a misrepresentation…

When I mentioned Saddam….I meant like Saddam who redrew the borders by flooding Kuwait with Arabs….he did not change the map….but he changed the borders….by moving people around….giving false representation and power to him….this cannot happen in Iraq….not this time again…..the census must be….proper….all citizens must go back to where they belong to ensure legal proper representation in Parliament…

It was once not fair….but those days are gone….and that tactic cannot be used any longer within the GOI…that is not a democracy….I know they are parliamentary…but I think you understand what I mean….Iraq needs to negotiate this for true representation and votes within Parliament……Mosul and Fallujah….that is why these cities are needed Family….not for some egotistical reason…but so the people can go back…and they are….but they only tell you so much.

There are 20 to 21 provinces in Iraq….many of them were corrupt…some had Shiite governments…..some had Sunni governments….some had Kurd governments….there cannot be prejudicial representation….it must be equal representation….like a democracy… remove corruption.

Is there a battle over the ministers….no….they simply are putting them in so they can have the power to represent these people….the Finance Minister IMO is the top position…and the Kurds have that right now don’t they….the Kurds will battle for this forever….maybe after the elections we can deal with Zebari….but not now….the IMF wants them to move forward instead….you do not waste time within the GOI debating about ministers when you have the list already given to them….and as far as Zebari goes….stop it….don’t open anymore….oh remember that….leave the files alone….finish your Financial Reforms….you do not make changes in a state of war….because it makes internal conflicts in the GOI that cause delay and decay….no more changes until all matters are resolved….move forward.

Sidebar….remember Family that saying the IMF is the same thing as saying the United States of America.

No more stalling….no more debating…about anything….can you just imagine if they tried to change Zebari right now….so if they pick a Sunni….if they pick a Shiite….they are still going to pick on each other….stop the bickering….stop the debating….no more….you government has one thing and one thing only to do along with the CBI and when you get your butts back home from this vacation you had better impress us….finish the Financial Reforms before November was the demand…..found in Arabic on the CBI website…..obviously it doesn’t matter who they put in there they are still going to fight….but we don’t need the stupidity right now….we don’t need this way of their government anymore.

The IMF wants them to lift the value of their currency….finish it….the Kurds will never give up the fight….so stop the concept of changing anybody right now….it causes internal fights and it causes delays….hence the reason why you don’t see Abadi hammering Maliki yet….that is a battle in itself….Maliki still has too many ties to corruption….remove him…kill him…arrest him…whatever….you are going to start another process that will delay the Monetary Reform.

Yes we created Maliki….the monster….we should have removed him a long time ago….just as quickly as we put him in….but we didn’t… is what it is….Maliki backstabbed the US the very next day….when he was put in power….he comes out and threatens to remove Blackwater from Iraq….are you kidding me….then the United States Senators threatened to remove Maliki from power and he….shut up….but too late….because the US cannot step in Family to remove Maliki right now….let him run his jaw off…he is an innate drone….useless….he is powerless…..but he can sure cause problems….remove him….you watch the war….you watch the battles….you watch the explosions in the Green Zone….he’s that stupid…IMO…he’s stupid and suicidal because he has nothing to live for…so just leave him alone….yeah he’s my bad….I’m bad….I’m sorry…but when they do finish the Financial Reform and the dust settles….then it is the perfect time IMO for you GOI to go after Maliki and anyone else that you want….but right now your mission is to finish the Financial Reform and nothing else…..because we the USA cannot touch this issue and you know that.

Abadi is a good man….Abadi is a good man.

Family understand that the CBI back room is in Arabic…all of the stuff they are really doing right now is there….the CBI website system goes down for many hours every now and then because they are putting up a lot of information from the IMF meetings and negotiations…the translations….the mistranslations is the fat lady….one word can give you the wrong meaning….one word in Arabic can give you so many different meanings…..our brother DELTA who speaks Chaldanean….who has the rudimentary ability to understand all the different dialects.

This information that Iraq needs to finish for the loans and the payments is there….most of it is done….but the articles that you read while I was gone specifically said they have to finish certain things….and I am here to tell you that it is the Financial Reform before November….I’m not giving you a date….I’m not giving you a rate….I am telling you what it says on the CBI website in Arabic….there is another one on page 10 or page 11 of the CBI website that talks about the $640 million dollar loan….the head of the Financial Committee is saying….in the Jordan meeting…that the meeting was not successful….I know the articles that came out and said everything was great….bull….thank goodness that the Finance Committee leader comes out and says no this sucks…..why….because we still haven’t done what they told us to do….we have to stop stalling….you read the article….he said that….we have to stop the stalling because we did not complete all the check list from the IMF.

Family it is like going to a bank and you want to buy a house…..and the loan officer says to you….let me see your documentation….let me see your credit rating….let me see your collateral….let me see your tax returns….ok when….next Thursday 4:00 pm at my office….I’ll be there…cool I’ll give you the loan….you show up and you only have your tax returns….where is the rest of the information….where is the stuff I told you I need in order to finish this loan….oh I’m going to have to come back because I forgot to bring it….what….are you stupid….you want the money or not….Iraq is trying to play dumb….well some of the GOI are trying to play dumb…but the IMF is not so dumb….this meeting was not a happy face meeting….it is lift the 000’s or no money….that is it…and you darn well need the money because you are slowly removing your auctions.

These are loans….this is not charity…..we are not giving you any money….and they require payments….and they require proper funds in your budget that we have to see and your reserves….corruption was not an issue in this meeting while I was gone….delays and the GOI BS was.

Allak is getting criticized by Allawi and some of the GOI ministers….you read the articles….so Allak comes out and says….up yours….we got an extra $10 billion in our reserves….you do….yeah….oh ok….so how do you like them apples…..Macintosh… makes Allak and the CBI look better doesn’t it….it makes them look ready to finish the Financial Reform….but that is not the full story by the way….I have more to tell you about that in a minute.

Family think heavily….think strongly about what I am about to say to you….if Iraq was not ready to complete the Financial Reforms…do you think the IMF would be asking them to….the IMF would not be asking Iraq to finish the Financial Reforms if the IMF/US didn’t feel they were ready to….wait until I tell you the full story.

The meeting in Jordan didn’t talk about Mosul or DAASH or corruption….it was about the Financial Reform and the payback system….and the ability to do so….and the budget….I want to tell you something…..the IMF is more than screaming at them… Hawaii it is called Stink Eye….they are giving them the dirty look….Zebari got his butt chewed off….all right all of this IMO.

I would like to tell you something that happened before we left to go to Alaska….it matches what happened before Eid started…..again all IMO….just before they went into Jordan Family….Abadi went on Iraqia TV and told the citizens….all reforms are implemented….and that was when the HCL was then activated…..just before I left……can we say TA-DA…..he promised the citizens face to face that they were going to get all of their reforms….their Monetary Reform….their Economic Reforms….he didn’t talk about terrorism….he reminded them of what he told them before Eid….these guys are gone….he told them this just before they went to that meeting and now they are gone….the IMF only wants them to do two things….finish the Financial Reforms…..and the Economic Reforms…..and that is on the Arabic side of the CBI website… order for them to assist them further with loans and whatever the heck else they need….the IMF is not going to stand by and let them fail so the IMF/US can look stupid in front of the international world….but when the IMF/US promised they would be entering the international theater by the first half of 2016…which they have.

“Lift the 000’s of the IQD Will Enhance the Value of the Currency”….yeah…remember those days……here’s another thing I want you to think about…..there has always been a change in the Iraqi dinar historically in the month of April….you probably have all of this stuff in your notes….except in 2003 and 2004….they had slight increases…that you know about because we were invested….at least in 2004….they had slight increases on September 21st or 22nd…..when are they coming back…around the 18th or 19th……yeah let’s see what they do.

They did not talk about terrorism….the fat lady does….in Qayyarah misinformation IMO….you can go there….but IMO you can’t go into Mosul even though it is right next to it….why….I don’t know….yet my FRIENDS in that area tell me….we have no sense of danger Frank….in Qayyarah….you know next to Mosul….interesting.

Family the IMF loan that they need so badly to bridge the budget so they can get more loans from other countries for their Economic Reforms…and to improve their credit rating…..the Jordan meeting with Iraq and the IMF was nasty….stink eye… fact let me give you an example…the Finance Committee head comes out and says….and you read it while I was gone….he says what are you guys doing….why are you stalling the IMF…the IMF told you what to do….the Financial Reforms and you haven’t done them….do them….you saw the article didn’t you…within their own the hide what they are hiding with the fat lady.

Some are benefiting using the USD in Iraq….and some don’t want the Monetary Reform to occur…..because they are using the USD against their currency….and it is profitable for them…but this will stop too….it is a form of corruption.

Abadi is also pushing the Financial Reforms…this is another example for you….you’ve seen the articles….the IMF is sick and tired of meeting again and again with Iraq on these Financial Reforms….it is like going to that loan officer that I gave you in that example to buy the house… want this loan or not….do what I ask you to do.

Yes the Rasheed and Rafadain Banks are ready to sell the American dollar…and yes this will kill the street vendors that are messing with our exchange rate….but they need to raise the value too.

Let me give you another example….do you remember back in December of last year….and I am not talking about the IMF plan….do you remember the IMF sent a memo in the first week of December 2015 to all of the banks in Iraq and they said….hey…hey….what….stop the money laundering and the next day the Money Laundering Law was passed…..Family when Iraq is pressured they move at the speed of light….this has happened many times before…..and I can give you one example of how they pick up their feet as quickly as possible… you remember when Maliki was in power and he went over there and said can I have some money….can I have some tanks, airplanes…and Obama looked at him and said…what are you doing here…get your butt over there and pass the Investment Law….the next day they did.

Iraq is under great pressure right now…..Iraq is stuck in a corner right now….and in another corner that I don’t need to say….the LD’s are sitting under protection…..waiting for the Monetary Reform….the LD’s are for the Monetary Reform…..not to get back the 000’s from the citizens…there are 10 to 12 million citizens in Iraq and you saw the articles early this year and last year that came out from the IMF saying that about 90% of Iraqis use the USD…..they don’t got no stinking 000’s anymore….they are not underneath any camel….they are ready to lift the value of their currency.

You know when someone comes up to you and asks to borrow some money and you don’t really want to give them any money out of your pocket what do you say to them…..I don’t have any money….do you remember when Maliki was trying to steal the DFI funds….what did Turki do….you read the articles….he took the DFI funds….you know that is the oil money that was deposited in the CBI….well no more….the US got involved and guess what….they said Turki….what…you got to follow these instructions….what do you want me to do……we want you to hide the DFI money from now on….where….in these Swiss accounts….we want you to keep it away from Maliki because he is stealing… Family when they tell you they have…..what was it…..$50-60 billion in their reserves….or $43 billion….or whatever they claim….no….no….in fact I want you to go to the CBI website….do your best….it is in Arabic…they actually show on the CBI website they have $68 billion on their spreadsheet from the DFI…..I told you at the beginning of this conference call….this cooking is rich.

So when Maliki says to Turki I want to borrow some of that DFI money….no…and the US realized…..we made a mistake with Maliki…hey Turki…which was the acting governor…the proxy governor at the time….we need to hide this money….and I want to tell you another thing…there was an article that came out from the former minister of Iraq….the former Financial Minister…but it goes back five or six years ago….I don’t know how long you have been a student….but he said back then….oh man you know our DFI we got about $184 billion…and as the years went by Obama actually allowed them to use some of the money in the DFI….so maybe it is actually $150 billion they have….and they are only showing you $68 billion on their spreadsheet….and they are only admitting they got $43 billion….well here is another $10 billion….this place is filthy rich…and I’m going to tell you another thing…..over the past 11 or 12 years this oil money was deposited in these accounts to keep it away from thievery and Maliki and others….at an interest rate of about is worth a heck of a lot more than that.

You think the IMF is going to ask Iraq to finish the Financial Reforms if the IMF doesn’t think they are ready to do so…..this was a big fight back then between Maliki and Turki…and you old-timers you remember all of this don’t you….but the US came into that battle to help Turki and protect the DFI funds….and they hid the money in Swiss accounts….you read all of this…..where it was untouchable….and since then there has been little to no talk about it….the media doesn’t care about this issue….they don’t know how to cover it probably….there isn’t enough information for it….it was killed quickly….the common Joe that invested in the Iraqi dinar doesn’t see things….only the student who acquires information and absorbs this information and saves these articles knows about this…..Abadi is a decent man….this DFI money is ready….to support the Financial Reforms.

So why does the IMF tell them to do the Financial Reforms…well now you know why….TA-DA.

If Iraq does not get the loans by the way we will never see the Financial Reforms….in this last meeting they had with them and negotiated with them…..they told them they have to finish before November….before the elections….because the IMF is the US…TA-DA.

I don’t know who is going to be President and I really don’t care….but the new President of the USA will live in the same footsteps that Clinton lived in after Kuwait….the new President will have some serious money to do some serious and amazing things….you study the elections here in the US….I study the reasons for the elections….the IMF will look like a fool….the US will look foolish….if they don’t finish these reforms….especially now that they are telling them to get them done before November….us look foolish….I don’t think so…..and that is why the IMF was very angry in Jordan.

The announcement has to come from the CBI/GOI so let them come back on the 18th or 19th Family and let’s see what these guys do.

Let me ask you something… can Abadi go on TV and tell the citizens they are going to finish the reforms….the Financial Reforms….because you see the CBI is under Abadi’s control right now…..not Maliki….in fact a very brash and bold Barzani from the Kurdistan also goes on TV in the Kurdistan and he tells his citizens either yesterday or the day before….hey Kurds guess what…..what….we got prosperity….it will soon be yours….almost the same words Abadi used…..we are beyond Mosul….they paved the streets of Mosul Family….you saw the article….so how can there be any battles going on in Mosul…..Mosul is not an issue….it is a fat lady losing weight…..Abadi said and you read this one to the citizens…..we are solving the financial problems….Iraq is very smart to and with the IMF right now.

By the way….I see your posts….I read every post….Dr. Shabibi was not in Jordan this past week….you do not put two CBI governors together in the same room….or I should say in the same meeting it is a waste of time….and like I told you Zebari got his butt chewed up….you are not doing the Financial Reforms….move your big butt….before November….or the IMF/US will simply come back into Iraq and take over everything….everything….the Financial Reforms….everything….end of story….you want that Iraq… want that Abadi.

So census done….needs to get done….needs adjusting…whatever….citizens do have to come back….as soon as possible and we will be reading about that too.

And by the way….I am just curious CBI….you tell these citizens….as we read in the articles….you tell the citizens to come into to the banks of all the cities and provinces….you can come in because we can give you loans now….how….I mean I know how….you guys are set up to give loans now….but how or why would the citizens accept any loans when the citizens don’t have any jobs.

Ok correct the numbers for the census…put the citizens back in their proper places…good…good…we will help this activated HCL…then what….well then we can give the fourth part of the HCL to the citizens…well that would be wonderful wouldn’t it….yes it would because then the Financial Reforms comes about and we can do that by lifting the 000’s….it would give power of purchase to the citizens and also complete the rest of the Economic Reforms and the IMF would give us the rest of the loans that we need and then a lot of these other investors would give us loans because our credit rating would improve and they would want to have that relationship with us….and then the US elections in November would have a reality.

Our dear brother WalkingStick wants me to give you a message Family….he says that a lot of the sites are not updated….when you go out to them be careful….they are actually re-releasing articles be aware of that….they are actually rewriting articles with different headings….remember when I called 52 pickup….well now this is being focused….this is the same thing being regurgitated…..they re-date articles from days ago….and a lot of it has to do with the Eid feast that they are finishing up right now….so this becomes part of the confusion.

A lot of you say well Frank I don’t have any proof that they were going to take them into the international theater by the middle of 2016….well we do….we kept those articles…..if you don’t I am sorry….can I have a copy…..I don’t have the time to do that for you….the IMF said we will help you if you follow this plan we have given you in December 2015….we will take you into the international world….ok… are the things you have to do….and one of the things is the Financial Reforms.

Did you read the article before I left that showed that Iraq was going to meet with the US Postal group….that Iraq is coming to America to meet with the postal service….why…..well you see that is a very profound declaration of them going international….we can give you a list of them….a cornucopia of many examples of them being international already….but this one really hit me hard…..for Iraq to go to the US Postal Service to learn how to set that up….you see when it comes to documentation this is important….any sovereign country before they can do any banking business with the international world has to have a post office set up….because some of their business is done through the post office….not the internet….not emails….

An example…..a bondsman who has to deliver papers….it has to be presented through the mail the old way….emails is an illegal way to do it….it has to be a signed document in registered mail….it has to be signed in black or blue or purple ink….that signature becomes the binding contract for whatever transaction is occurring….the courier delivers it via a special registered mail system….there are two ways…either regular mail with no numbers on it….or registered mail with numbers on it….it’s a bar code….ever notice on a registered letter you have to sign for….it has bar codes on the bottom of the envelope…that bar code is what made that envelope legal and binding…and Iraq needs to deal with outside contract work….special filing with any loans or contracts….it will not be emailed to them Family….this meeting with the US Postal Service is critical for Iraq who is soon to have this need for business when it comes to their country….or it is in their country but now needs to operate at a different level….that was huge and I know the internet missed it….and I understand….I just wanted to share that with you.

You remember Hillary Clinton don’t you….well Hillary has some oil contracts doesn’t she….yeah….would you like to study those oil contracts…you can….those bar code numbers are registered…and you could look them up and you can read everything she is invested in….fascinating isn’t it.

All honor and glory to our Heavenly Father….for our TEAMS, for the knowledge.

In closing….some of you are posting and I don’t know if you are joking or mocking…but you are saying that Frank you said that Hillary would be there at the end…..I never said she was going to be President….find me somewhere where I said that….nine years ago the very first thing I told you on December 1st 2008….that on the 21st of December Chase Manhattan would stop selling the Iraqi dinar….you doubted it….then you saw it happen and for the last nine years we have built a reputation with you….that our studies tell you something and then you actually see it….

No we have not been 100%....if we have been 75% I’m happy….we don’t have a crystal ball….we have very good students….but I would like to reiterate one more time that back then in December when I gave you that I also said to you teasingly….playfully…..when we are done studying together….you see that was the beginning….when we are done studying this investment….two things will happen….#1 they will tell you there is life on Mars….the Rover on Mars every time it moves it leaves these white marks in certain areas….right under the thin surface on Mars there is ice…water…..wherever there is water there is IMO life…in fact there is a polar cap on Mars…in fact there has been shown that there are rivers on Mars that flood and then recede according to the seasons….where there is water there is life….I’m not talking about a human form….I’m talking about microbial life…..nine years ago I was laughed at….it is all over the internet now isn’t it…..

The #2 thing I told you is that at the end Hillary would be there….well she has been all over the place in this last year of our investment…..I have no idea if she is going to be President….I have no idea…but the two things I told you were like the nine years that I spent with you….when we tell you something there is a good chance you are going to see it… did we know those two things.

Let us be dismissed with a prayer.


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